Chapter 3: Brie

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Chapter 3

Brie's pov

I got up bright and early today.

I was so excited to meet the English teacher that I would be working with all year.

I still can't believe I won the contest.

I know it'll be a lot of work, but I am up for the challenge.

I was proud because I was the only freshman that entered, and I won.

Normally only seniors are student teachers.

I looked down at the paper to see what room number I needed to go to.

I was nervous.

What if this teacher ended up hating me?

I didn't want to be stuck working for someone that wouldn't respect me.

By the time I made it to the room I was so nervous I felt as if I was going to be sick.

I knocked on the door, and heard a male voice say come in.

I expected to see an old stuffy English professor at his desk.

I wasn't prepared for who I actually saw.

"Um Reese what are you doing here?"

"Brie you shouldn't be in here. Are you following me?"

The nerve of this jerk.

"I am here to meet with Mr. Adams to go over what my new job as his student teacher will entail if you must know."

"No this can't be happening. Why me?"

What the heck was he mumbling about, and where was the teacher.

Had Reese won a contest as well?

Were we both going to be helping Mr. Adams?

There was no way I could work with him.

"I think there has been some mistake. You aren't needed as the student teacher any longer."

"What are you talking about? I submitted my essay and won. So you can get over yourself. Where is Mr. Adams anyway?"

"Brie I am Mr. Adams. I am the teacher you will be working with."

I looked at him in shock then walked out of the room.

The guy I had a crush on was my boss and teacher.

No wonder he freaked out when he found out I was a freshman.

I couldn't accept the teacher's assistant job not when I wanted to run my hands all over my teacher.

I wondered if it was too late to drop his class.

There was just no way I could face that man again.


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