Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Reese's pov

I can't believe she was giving me another chance.

This was not the way I saw tonight going.

When I dropped her off at her place she gave me a quick kiss and walked away.

I didn't know what I did to deserve this, but I was so happy.

I got home and sent her a goodnight text.

I was surprised when she replied to my text.

(Why are you still up?) I asked.

(I can't sleep.)

(Anything I can do to help?)

(Maybe we could just talk a bit.)

(What would you like to talk about?)

(Tell me why you rather own a club then teach? You are an amazing professor.)

(I told you why already.)

(Yes, you felt guilty but that's crazy. You should do what you love.)

I did miss teaching but could I even go back to it?

I was offered a job at the Junior High here.

It wasn't working for a college, but I really wanted to do it.

I wondered what Brie would think.

(Well I was offered a job at the middle school here in town that I was thinking about taking.)

(I think you should.)

(I was going to call them and go in for an interview.)

(You should. I should get some sleep call me later ok.)

(Ok beautiful sweet dreams.)

I was so happy to have her back in my life.

I was going to be a teacher again and still have the woman I loved.

I wish I would have realized all this sooner.

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