Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Reese's' pov

I was so excited that I got the job.

I wanted to pick up Brie and take her out to celebrate.

I haven't stopped thinking about her.

I decided to just call her.

She was the only person I wanted to share this news with.

I was getting ready to call her when his partner Micah called him.

"Hey man what's up?"

"We have a problem at the club."

This what not what I needed.

I was a silent partner but whenever something went wrong Micah would call me.

We have been friends for a really long time and he helped me out a lot.

"What's going on?"

"A pipe burst can you call the insurance and see if they can send someone out to get pictures."

"Did you call a plumber? How bad is the damage?"

"The plumber is here, and I need someone from the insurance company to figure out the damages but for now the club is closed."

This was not what he needed.

Micah put all his money into the restaurants and clubs.

How was I going to tell him I was going back into teaching now?

I told him I would be there soon.

I called our insurance and told them what was going on.

I guess I would have to wait to call Brie.

When I got to the club it was so much worse than I thought.

It was a total loss.

Thankfully Micah would get all his money back since it was the builders fault and nothing we did.

I took him out for a beer, so we could talk.

"I think this was a sign that I just need to stay in the restaurant business." Micah said.

"You need to do what makes you happy man."

"So, do you which means you need to take that job."

I looked at him puzzled for a minute.

"How did you know?"

"Well I saw a text about it on your phone and I knew they would be crazy not to hire you. Take the job Reese it's time we both do what we want."

"I don't want to stop being your partner."

"You have a stake in the restaurant remember and were buddies that isn't going to change. Plus, you are living in my house so there's that."

"That's true. Well I need to get going I need to a few things before I start work Monday morning bright and early."

He was happy I took the job and I was happy that he seemed okay with everything.

Now I needed to talk to Brie and explain why I haven't called her all day.

Hopefully she wasn't to mad at me.

It's been a very long day.

All I wanted to do was see her, but I doubt that would happen now.

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