Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Brie's pov

As soon as I told him I was a freshman everything changed.

He just got up and left.

I wonder what I said that was so wrong.

Now I was sitting here wondering what the heck happened.

It was if he couldn't get out of here fast enough.

Maybe it was because I was younger than him.

I got up and walked back to my apartment.

This day started out amazing, but ended badly.

I just hope this isn't how this year is going to be.

Tomorrow orientation started.

Hopefully I would be so busy I would forget all about the sexy guy that just blew me off.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off.

I about went back to bed until I remembered today was my first day of orientation.

This week we just met our teachers, get a feel for our classes, and what we would be doing.

We got our books this week as well.

A lot would be this week.

Plus my English teacher would be announcing the winner today for the student aid contest I entered.

I would be working closely with the teacher to help other students.

Normally freshman didn't get this chance so I was really lucky to even be considered.

Secretly I really wanted it to be me.

I never met the teacher.

I heard this was his first year here that's why he was needing a TA.

I hurried to get dress then was off to campus.

I was excited to get this new experience started.

I looked around campus and couldn't believe how many students there were.

This place was huge.

I began to feel nervous, and out of place.

Maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea after all.

I got out my schedule and started to walk around to where my classes were.

The first place I wanted to go to was the student bulletin board to see who won the student aid position in English class.

When I got to the bulletin I had to do a double take when I saw my name.

I won.

This was so exciting.

I couldn't wait to meet the teacher I would be working with.

This was going to be a great experience for me.

I was literally walking around campus on cloud nine after that.

I found all my classes pretty easily, and planned out the best route to all of them.

I know that's so nerdy, but I like being prepared.

Knowing where I was going made me feel a little less nervous.

I went to the campus bookstore and got my books and everything I would need.

By the time I was done I was really glad I drove the short distance to campus.

I had gotten way to much stuff for me to carry home.

By the time I got everything loaded into the car all I wanted to do was go home and crash.

I was beyond exhausted.

I was ready to start school.

I wanted to meet some new friends, and get my first kiss.

Everything that had happened the day before had been long forgotten.

It was beyond time for me to make some memories.

I was a college girl now.

I was far from home, and anyone that would judge me.

It was time to loosen up and live a little.

I wanted to embrace the whole college experience.

Whatever that even meant.

I just knew I was tired of being boring ol' predictable Brie.

It was time for a change, and this was just the place to make that happen.

I was going to come out of my shell and experience everything I had always wanted to do.

Now all I had to do was figure out how to do that.

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