Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Reese's pov

I never intended for things to go as far as they did this weekend.

Ending it with Brie was the right thing to do, but it hurt like hell.

I was in love with her, but I knew I couldn't keep her.

She deserved so much.

Things she could never have with me.

We were just fooling ourselves.

I knew we would get caught.

I did what was best for her.

I know I hurt her.

I knew she was going to be angry with me for switching her class and job to another teacher.

I just couldn't be around her.

Plus, it would be better if she did hate me.

The thought of her hating me hurts.

Why didn't I just keep it professional?

Then I would still have her in my life.

I would still be able to see her.

How am I going to get past this?

I wondered if she was in school today.

As much as I wanted to stay away from her I also wanted to see her.

I needed to know she was okay.

I never meant to hurt her.

I just couldn't risk my career and her future over something that just couldn't last.

I heard a knock at my office door.

Part of me wished it would be Brie.

My hurt thudded fast in my chest when I saw it was the dean.

Did Brie go to the Dean and tell him what had happened?

Was this the end of my career?

"Reese may I come in so we can talk?"

This was it.

All my hard work was going to go down the drain.

"Sure, come on in I was just going over my plans for this week."

He walked in and sat down.

He didn't say anything at first, and that made me nervous.

"I wanted to ask you why you changed a student's class without first talking to her about it?"

I had to watch what I was about to say.

"I know she wanted to be more involved and needed more hours and Mrs. Kleich was really needing some help. I know I should have asked first, but I was trying to help both the student as well as a fellow teacher."

He shook his head but didn't say anything.

I felt sick.

Was Brie that angry with me that she would ruin my career?

I didn't think she was the vindictive type, but maybe I didn't really know her at all.

"Well the student has transferred out of school so I needed to ask exactly what happened. I can see that you did what you thought was best for the student. Sorry to have bothered you. I will let you get back to work."

He left and I was left sitting there in shock.

She left the school to get away from me.

The one thing I didn't want to happen did.

I never wanted to ruin her life.

What have I done?

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