Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Brie's pov

Working with Reese and not wanting him has been pretty easy.

Especially when he's being a jerk.

He won't let me do anything and then belittles me in front of the class.

Whatever his issue with me is he needs to get over it.

I'm not going to let some pompous a** get in the way of my schooling.

Other than this class everything else is going great.

I even met a guy.

His name is Braiden he's a junior here and so sweet.

He's also in Reese's class.

Today after class I was going to go on a lunch date with Braiden, but Reese said he needed to talk to me.

I told Braiden I would just meet him there.

I went to Reese's office and knocked on the door.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, come in and close the door please."

He didn't look up just kept moving around papers like we had all the time in the world.

"Exactly why did you need to see me?" I asked.

"Are you in a hurry?"

"I have a test today and I want to go over my notes."

"Really so you're not running off to meet your boyfriend?"

Is he serious right now?

"What I do is none of your business, and unless this has something to do with my TA job then I am leaving."

"You need to end your little relationship."

What the hell!

"Are you serious right now?"

"It came to my attention that you are giving your boyfriend special treatment in this class. I won't stand for that."

Did he really think I would do that?

I hated this man.

"I assure you my boyfriend and I never discuss you or this class we are busy with other things so you have your facts wrong."

He looked up at me with this hurt look in his eyes.

He didn't get to feel hurt.

"If I notice anything funny going on you both will be out of my class and you will be fired."

I thought long and hard about what to say next.

I just couldn't do this anymore.

"No need to fire me because I quit."

I didn't even look at him I just walked out the door.

What did I just do?    

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