Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Reese's pov

I wish I had some say in who my new TA was going to be.

The dean of students thought it would be fun to do some contest.

I didn't even get to pick the winner.

I just hoped it was someone willing to work, and do a good job.

All I knew was that it was a freshman girl that had won.

That made me very nervous since I was new here, and clearly the youngest teacher at this University.

I would have to spend a lot of time with this young girl going over work.

I didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression.

It bothers me that I have to even worry about that kind of thing.

I guess it comes with being so young.

I just need to prove myself now that I am here.

I almost messed up when I had coffee with a student.

I mean I didn't know she was a student.

Luckily I got away from that disaster real quick.

I doubt I'll ever run into her again.

Now I just needed to focus solely on work.

I needed to forget all about Brie's gorgeous smile.

And her amazing eyes that seemed to look into my soul.

I hated the way I just ran off.

I knew I hurt her, but I couldn't stick around.

If anyone saw me with her my reputation would be crushed.

Everything I worked so hard for would be gone.

I was lucky the University was even giving me a chance since I was so young.

I can't blow it by getting involved with a student.

Even if she is incredibly sexy.

I was just glad this was a big campus.

The odds of us running into each other were very slim.

I gathered up all my stuff, and left the classroom.

Tomorrow would be a busy day.

I met with my new TA, and we would come up with some lesson plans for the start of the New Year.

I was excited to be a teacher.

This was going to be a great year.

I could just tell.

I decided to walk by the student bulletin board so I at least knew the name of my new TA.

When I saw that the first name was Brie my heartbeat quickened.

Then I calmed down.

I doubted it was the same Brie I met yesterday.

There was just no way fate would be that cruel.

No it was going to be some girl that I had never met before.

I hurried to get off of campus and get home.

I needed some time to unwind.

Hell I needed a beer.

I had to stop thinking that my new TA could be the girl I can't stop thinking about.

I couldn't work with her if it was.

I would have to find some way to get out of it.

This can't be happening.

It can't be her.

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