-Life is a Sad Song-

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A/N: "Sad Song" We the Kings (Piano Cover)


Keefe's POV:

My life was nothing before I met her. It was dark, lonely, and sad. My parents didn't love me or each other, and I always felt broken and unfixable. They are no longer part of my life; they divorced and then my mom left. I was sent to live with my Aunt Ro, who isn't my real aunt but feels like one to me. She became the parental figure that this broken boy needed to start healing. Even then, I felt alone because I didn't have many friends.

That was before the most amazing girl came into my life. Everything changed for good.

Foster, or Sophie Foster as she's formally known, is someone special to me. Her full name is beautiful, but I prefer to call her Foster. When I first saw her, my life became brighter, and she brought me out of the darkness. She made me feel like I could be mended back together.

I felt hopeful and knew I wasn't broken. Ever since she came into my life, I haven't smiled a genuine smile in a long time. When I saw her, all the difficulties seemed to fade away and I felt like something truly mattered again.

Falling in love with her was the best thing that ever happened to me. At first, I was shy about my feelings, so I decided to write her letters expressing how I felt. I loved seeing her beautiful face light up as she read the letters. It was as if her life lit up just like mine had. I felt happy and hopeful that things would turn out amazing in the future.

Except that's not what happened.

Instead, things turned downhill for the worse. She became unaware of my feelings easily and as time went on misunderstandings happened and it made her discover who her admirer was. She looked happy figuring it out. Did she figure out it was me? No, she did not. Sophie did the exact opposite of what I had hoped. Her obliviousness is at a level that I won't be able to comprehend.

If you looked closely, you would know it's me. But if you're Sophie Foster you believe otherwise. She simply doesn't see it. I'm nothing more than a friend. Refusing to open her heart and eyes to see an amazing, cute handsome boy in front of you.

Sophie is blind to my feelings. Like super blind.

I feel like I can't reach her love, and every day my life feels more like a sad song. I'm stuck writing the lyrics of my broken heart, and it feels like the song will never end until she realizes the truth. But it doesn't seem like that day will ever come. I'm just a friend in her eyes, and that's all I'll ever be.

It hurts to be called "just a friend" when you're in love with that person. It's okay at the beginning of a new relationship, as it's important to start with a healthy foundation, often beginning as friends before blossoming into love.

Is it inevitable for every friendship to evolve into love? No, and that's okay. Relationships don't always have to be romantic. They can deepen into a stronger friendship if that's the path they take. Everyone's journey is unique, including mine. It's part of life. Well, the relationship part of it. One thing for sure, you can't control your heart.

You can't force anything from it.

I was happy to start off as friends because I wanted to take the time to really get to know her before committing to anything more. I wanted to be sure that my feelings were genuine and not just a passing crush. That's why I took the time to really think about my feelings when I first met her, to make sure they were authentic. I didn't want to cause any problems down the line if my feelings weren't real.

I have discovered that these are genuine feelings of love. Love at first sight worked its magic on me, although it doesn't happen for everyone. The universe seemed to know it would work for me somehow. However, it has backfired on me. Love can be so difficult at times like this.

When the person you long for is oblivious to your feelings and only sees you as a friend, it can feel like love is blind. That's exactly how it feels right now. You would be spot on if when you say 'Love is blind'

When I look at her, I can tell she's not truly in love with the person she thinks she is. She's just convinced herself that she is, refusing to see the truth in front of her. It's like she's avoiding facing reality. I believe it's important to listen to your head in certain situations, but when it comes to emotions, it's often best to listen to your heart. Listen to the beat of your heart and see where it takes you. The destination may not always be cupcakes and rainbows but it's worth trying because you may never know.

Love is a special and wonderful thing, but it can also be frustrating. It's something we can't control - our hearts do the talking, and when we know, we just know. Sophie's true feelings are locked deep down in her heart, and she chooses to ignore them, oblivious to their presence. Her stubborn head has misplaced gratitude towards this person.

I am grateful for the kindness and care this person has shown me, but I am not in love with them. I have a way of knowing these things. But I can't help but ask myself, why does it have to be him? It seems like he always gets everything. It's annoying, to say the least. Other things may be just minor annoyances, but seeing the person I love so dearly with someone else is truly hurtful.

I will never understand. If they truly loved each other, I would be supportive and happy for them. But in this case, I can tell it's just boosting his ego and making himself look good. That's all he's ever cared about. He doesn't love Sophie, and Sophie doesn't love him.

It's her refusal to see the truth that hurts me the most. One day, reality will catch up with her and she'll have to face the things she's been blind to. For now, I have to endure the pain of watching her fall for a boy she thinks she loves.

This isn't how I envisioned things, but it's how they've unfolded. I'm not sure how to move forward from here.

I hope to figure it out soon. I don't want to live with a broken heart forever. Also, I don't' want to stand seeing Sophie being in love with someone who she isn't in love with.

Where will this lead me too? 


Hey guys!  I am excited to see what you guys think. Updates will be on TUESDAYS.

For my authors notes I've done Keefe quotes/memes and inspirational quotes. This story will have Movies or my favorite TV series quotes. :D 


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