-A Sweet Day of School-

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Sophie's POV: 

As I walked through the majestic hallways of Foxfire Academy alongside Keefe, my heart felt heavy with longing. It had been a few weeks since the days when he used to leave secret notes and gifts for me. Each one filling my days with excitement and mystery. But now, those days seemed like a distant dream, slipping away from my grasp like sand through my fingers. Even though we are now officially a couple, there was something special about those mysterious letters he left me.

I glanced over at Keefe, my sweet boyfriend who had been once my secret admirer but now that the truth has been revealed. His mischievous grin softened as he caught the sadness in my eyes. "What's on your mind, Foster?" he asked. His voice vibrating with genuine concern.

I smiled up at him, grateful for his understanding nature. "I was just thinking about those letters you used to write. I miss them, you know? There was something magical about not knowing who my secret admirer was."

Keefe's lips curved into a mischievous grin. "Well, if you miss them, I can always write you more. Would you like that?"

My heart swelled with affection for this boy who had wormed his way into my heart with his charm and unexpected vulnerability. "I would love that, Keefe. Thank you."

As we reached the commons area of Foxfire, I couldn't resist stealing a quick kiss before we parted ways to head to our respective classes. The day passed in a blur of lessons and more boring lectures, but my mind kept drifting back to Keefe's offer to write me more letters.

As I sat at the lunch table surrounded by my friends, the atmosphere was buzzing with happiness. Biana, Dex, Linh, Tam, and Marella were all beaming, their smiles practically lighting up the room. The reason for their joy? Keefe and I had finally made things official, and our friends couldn't have been more thrilled. Biana's face lit up as she glanced at Keefe and me, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Finally, the day has come! Sophie and Keefe are officially a couple!"

But amidst the laughter and teasing, Fitz's question hung in the air like a heavy cloud. "So, Sophie," he began, his gaze curious, "why Keefe? Why not someone more... like me?"

I chuckled, leaning back in my seat with a playful glint in my eye. "Oh, Fitz," I started, trying to keep my tone light, "do you really want to know?"

He nodded, a small smile playing on his lips as he leaned in, clearly intrigued by my answer.

"Well," I began, teasingly, "for one, I didn't want to be just another girl in your fan club, swooning over your movie star smile and ridiculous handsomeness."

Laughter erupted around the table, and even Fitz couldn't help but chuckle at my jest. But there was truth in my words—I had seen how others reacted to him, how they admired him for his looks and charm.

"And besides," I continued, shooting him a mischievous grin, "you already have a whole lineup of admirers in your popular crowd. I didn't want to be lost in the sea of girls vying for your attention."

Fitz's cheeks flushed lightly, but he nodded in understanding. He knew the dynamics of our world—the social circles, the expectations. And in a way, he respected my choice, even if it wasn't what he had hoped for.

As the conversation shifted to lighter topics, I found myself stealing glances at Keefe, his blonde hair catching the sunlight filtering through the windows. He caught my eye and winked, a lopsided grin spreading across his face. In that moment, I knew I had made the right choice. Keefe understood me in a way no one else did, and he embraced every part of who I was—flaws and all.

Throughout the rest of lunch, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. I was surrounded by friends who accepted me for who I was, quirks and all. And as the bell rang, signaling the end of our break, I stood up, feeling Keefe's hand slip into mine, grounding me in the moment.

Throughout the rest of day, I couldn't shake off the anticipation of receiving another letter from Keefe. The classes passed in a blur, my mind constantly drifting to the promise of his words waiting for me.

Finally, as the school day drew to a close, a slip of paper found its way into my hands, delivered by a discreet shadow whisperer. My heart skipped a beat as I unfolded the parchment, recognizing Keefe's elegant handwriting instantly.

Dear My Beautiful Foster,

I hope this letter finds you well. As I sit here, penning down my thoughts, I can't help but feel a sense of warmth knowing that these words will soon be in your hands.

The memories of our beginning, of the days when I was still a secret admirer watching you from afar, flood back to me. Your curiosity, your kindness, and your unwavering spirit have always captivated me.

I cherish the moments we share, the laughter we exchange, and the understanding that exists between us. With each passing day, I find myself falling deeper for you, your presence a light in the darkness that surrounds us.

As I write these words, I want you to know that you are loved, deeply and truly. I am here for you, always, ready to support you, to stand by your side through every storm that may come our way.

Sophie, you are my guiding star, my beacon of hope in a world filled with uncertainty. And as long as you wish it, I will continue to write these letters, to express the feelings that reside in my heart and soul.

Until we meet again, know that you are never alone, that you are cherished beyond measure.

With all my love,


Tears welled up in my eyes as I read Keefe's heartfelt words, his feelings laid bare before me. In that moment, I felt a surge of emotion, a realization that our connection went beyond words, beyond letters. Keefe was not just my boyfriend; he was my partner, my confidant, my soulmate.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I hurried to find Keefe, my heart overflowing with love and gratitude. When our eyes met, I didn't need to say a word; he understood the depth of my emotions, the significance of his letters.

Together, we walked out of Foxfire, the setting sun painting the sky in hues of a beautiful shade of blue. And as we strolled hand in hand, our journey ahead filled with unknown adventures and endless possibilities, I knew that Keefe's letters would always be a reminder of the love we shared, a bond that transcended time and space.

In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the world and the presence of the one I loved, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple joy of receiving a letter, of knowing that someone out there cared enough to put their thoughts into words for me.

As we walked home together, the weight of the day's events finally lifted from my shoulders, replaced by a sense of anticipation and joy. Keefe's hand in mine felt like an anchor, grounding me in the moment and reminding me of the love we shared.

When we finally reached my doorstep, Keefe turned to me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'll start working on more letters right away, Foster. I promise they'll be worth the wait."

I smiled back at him, my heart dancing with happiness. "I can't wait to read them, Keefe. Thank you for always knowing just what to say."

As he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead, I felt a surge of love and gratitude wash over me. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of his embrace, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we had each other, nothing could break the bond we shared.

And as I stepped inside, leaving Keefe waving goodbye on the porch, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace settling over me. With the promise of his words to come. I couldn't wait to read more of his heartfelt words full of love. Those letters will always be held close to my heart.  


Hey, I will be posting another chapter tomorrow. I was originally going to do two today, but I didn't get around to it. 

"So move. That's a good move. I can't believe it I'm losing to a rug." (Genie-Aladdin) 

Keep Being Cool


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