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Sophie's POV: 

When Caleb's gentle warm hand slipped into mine under the flickering lights of the café, I was sure he was my secret admirer. I had no doubt in my mind. The flutter I felt in my heart when he gave me the pink balloon while we strolled through the park added to my conviction.

Sitting on a bean bang chair at Biana's house, The soft glow of fairy lights twinkled above us, and the sound of laughter filled the air as Linh leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Hey, Sophie, any updates on your secret admirer situation?" she asked, her voice tinged with excitement. Marella and Biana turned to me, their eyes widening with curiosity.

"I am pretty sure its Caleb." I admitted happily. My heart swelled with joy and hope as I recounted the details of our special date with my friends.

As I spoke, sharing all the cherished moments I had with him. Each of their eyes filled with interest. Marella had a sparkle in her eyes, Linh had a small soft smile on her lips and Biana had a knowing look or so I thought. This was the perfect night, the one that will change everything. That night I would finally know Caleb's true intentions.

"I have a feeling he might ask me to be his girlfriend soon." I gushed at the thought, ignoring the subtle shake of Biana's head, and the slight furrow of her brows. Wouldn't that be something amazing? But then her outburst ripped through the air like a thunderclap, shattering the illusion I had built around Caleb.

"OPEN YOUR EYES, SOPHIE!" Biana's words cut through me like a knife. "QUIT IT WITH THE OBLIVIOUSNESS! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF IT" Her voice quivered with a mix of frustration and concern, a stark contrast to the picture-perfect evening I had painted.

I recoiled, shocked by the sudden harshness of her tone. Biana's sudden erupted display of emotion left me reeling, not sure what to do next. For a moment, her outburst hung between us, a palpable tension suffusing the air. And then, just as quickly as it had come, it was gone, replaced by a heavy silence.

As quickly as her anger flared, Biana's expression softened, a look of guilt crossing her features. "I'm sorry, Sophie," she said, her voice filled with remorse. "I didn't mean to snap like that. I just... I care about you, okay?" Biana said softly like a gentle breeze calming a storm.

I nodded, my mind swirling with a mix of emotions. Biana's words echoed in my ears as I made my way home that night, the cool breeze offering solace amidst the chaos of my thoughts. Her accusations lingered, and I found myself questioning every interaction, every glance, every word exchanged between Caleb and me.

Could it be possible that Caleb wasn't the one leaving me secret gifts and notes, a trail of breadcrumbs leading to his heart? Was I truly as blind as Biana had accused me of being?

As I trudged home from Biana's house, her words echoed in my mind like a haunting melody. "Open your eyes, Sophie!" The stark accusation in her voice pierced through me, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable. What did she mean by that? Was I truly oblivious to something important happening around me?

I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of my stomach since Biana's outburst. I had been so certain that Caleb, with his shy smiles and kind gestures, was my secret admirer. But now, doubt crept in like a shadow, casting a dark cloud over my previous certainty.

As I reached home, I found Edaline in the kitchen, her gentle presence a comforting sight. She looked up from the pot she was stirring on the stove, her eyes soft with concern. "Hey, Sophie. How was Biana's?" she asked, sensing my troubled expression.

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