-His First Day of School-

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A/N: "Shut Up and Dance" Walk the Moon (Just something random to listen too I guess.)

Keefe's POV: 

I don't want to say it. The dreaded sound we hear every school morning. The sound that either starts a horrible day or a fantastic day. Today, for me, is more nerve-wracking than the previous options. Every day at my previous school was always terrible. I could never be my true Keefe self without being looked down upon. I've been looked down upon by my own parents and classmates. It destroyed me since I couldn't handle the bullying.

I used to hide in the background and never be outgoing. I stayed in the shadows and kept to myself. Now I'm worried about how things will be here. I'm not sure how I will be treated, but this time it's slightly different because Fitz and Biana will be there. After all that I've been through, I'm not so sure it will be amazing.

I almost didn't get up that morning, but I decided to give it a try. I knew that if I didn't try, I wouldn't know what to expect. I got dressed in my favorite Batman shirt and some generic blue jeans. After putting on my shoes, I headed to the bathroom to perfect my hair. I styled it in my artfully disheveled way, paying much more attention to it since it's my signature thing and the cherry on top of my look.

I finally finished getting ready and headed downstairs, where Ro was preparing breakfast. I have to say, she is a very good cook, except when she tries to add in a prank. She hasn't done one in a while, considering the horrible circumstances that recently occurred. I figured I needed more comfort than a prank that could end up going wrong. Besides, I had a few horrible pranks done to me at my previous school.

So, pranks are currently off the table. I'm not in the mood for pranks right now. It brings back bad memories. I hope that the jokester will come back soon. I miss my old funny, outgoing, and smirky personality that I had before everything transpired. I hate the new Keefe that my old school has turned me into. I'm worried that this new school will make me even more invisible than I already feel.

"Here's your breakfast," Ro says, handing me a plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. "Thanks, Ro," I say, taking it from her. Life has been better with her. I don't know why I didn't just leave to be with her in the first place. Oh, that's right, my parents had too much control over that, making it feel like escaping was impossible.

I ate my breakfast in silence, feeling anxious about the day ahead. "You okay there, Hunkyhair?" Ro asked. "Eh, as good as I can be. This whole new thing is giving me anxiety," I confessed to her. I've found that I can confide in Ro about how I'm feeling. It feels good to be able to talk to someone about it when I had no one before. No one could really know how much I hurt on the inside.

They would take one look at me and never know how horrible I truly felt.

After finishing my breakfast, I helped Ro clean up. Once we were done, I left to catch the bus alone. I couldn't help but wish I had friends. It would be nice to have someone other than a parental figure to confide in and always have my back. When I first started at the private school, I ended up with a lot of fake friends. They eventually ditched me, proving their fakeness. I believe that a true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else around you believes the smile on your face.

As I arrive at the school, I swallow the lump in my throat. I hope this is the beginning of something positive, not something negative. Crossing my fingers for a breath of fresh air, and a clean slate. Not wanting to start off on the wrong foot.


Getting through my first two classes was a good feeling. It felt different, like the environment around me had improved. I met up with Fitz and Biana in my second class, which was a nice change to see familiar friendly faces. We had one more class before lunch, and I liked having only one class after lunch instead of the two I had previously.

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