-The First Love Letter-

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A/N: "Better with You" Virgina to Vegas

Keefe's POV: 

I couldn't hide what I held so dear in my heart. Things like this can only be contain for so long. Even though I've only interacted with her a few times but with this situation I started to believe in love at first sight. It like the moment she walked into my life, everything seemed to change for the better. Making my neglectful parents not matter anymore. She took me out of the darkness and into the light. 

As I sat at my desk, my heart raced with anticipation. Today was the day I would finally put my feelings for Sophie into words. It had taken me the whole weekend to gather enough courage to write this love letter, but now, as I held the pen in my hand, it felt like the right moment. With a deep breath, I began to pour my heart out onto the paper. 

"Beautiful Sophie," I wrote, my hand trembling. I would use 'Foster' but I don't want to give away any clues just yet. I continue writing, "From the moment I met you, my world transformed into something extraordinary." My mind drifted back to the day we first crossed paths, the day I realized she was the enchanting force that could turn my life around.  

Every sentence was carefully crafted, every word chosen with utmost care. I wanted this letter to be perfect, a reflection of the love that consumed my heart. As I wrote, I could feel the weight of my emotions lifting, replaced by a sense of hope and anticipation. Wondering how this whole thing will turn out. But I won't ponder on that, I can only take this risk and see where it goes. 

I won't know if I don't try, even if it's terrifying. 

My words flowed effortlessly, painting a picture of my adoration and affection for her. The room seemed to disappear as I immersed myself in the world, I was creating through my love letter. I could almost see Foster's smile, her twinkling brown eyes, and hear her laughter as if she were right there with me. I finished writing the letter I folded it carefully with the atmost care. Putting in an envelope. Leaving it on my desk, I go to my bed and settle in the for the night. 


The next morning, I arrived at school early, my heart pounding in my chest. Today was the day I would finally let Foster know how I felt, well in a way since she won't know it's me at first. Walking down the halls I nervously make my way to her locker. 

With clammy hands, I reached her locker, slipping the letter inside. It was a small act, but it was my way of reaching out to her, of revealing a secret that I can't hold in my heart. When it comes to feelings of love sometimes, I can get hard to hold back. They show through to an extend depending on the situation given.  

I made my way down the library where Biana told me where everyone meets in the morning before school. Entering the Library, I sit myself in the spot they always sit in. Being early today I was the only one here. Looking out the window, I see Sophie. 

I watched Sophie walk into the school, her vibrant smile lighting up the school. She was surrounded by her friends, her laughter filling the air. How could anyone resist that charm? She was perfect in every way, and it was driving me crazy. My heart skipped a beat every time she walked by, hopefully I will have the courage soon to tell her how I truly feel. 

I recently expressed some of my feelings to her in a letter, but I haven't revealed that I am her secret admirer. I want to take the time to get to know her better and learn more about her. She mentioned in class that she thinks we could be great friends, so I think it's a good idea to start with a foundation of friendship and see where it goes from there. Of course, life is full of unexpected twists and turns, so things may not go according to plan.

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