-Fifth Love Letter-

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A/N: The horses face makes me LAUGH! 🤣🤣

Keefe's POV: 

As I sat at my desk, the words of Sophie's thank-you note echoed in my mind. Her sweet, grateful words made my heart flutter, and I couldn't help but smile. It was always a thrill to hear from her, even if it was through letters veiled in mystery.

I picked up my pen, the ink flowing smoothly as I crafted my response. I thanked her for her kind words and shared a little more about myself, keeping the tone playful and lighthearted. And then, without much hesitation, I added my number at the bottom of the page, instructing her to text me if she ever felt like chatting outside the realm of secret admirer letters. I decided to get a little more confident. I wanted to be able to have her contact me outside of the letters.

We do talk to each other when we are together with the friend group, but she doesn't know I am her secret admirer. So, I figured it would be nice to talk about it over text without her knowing who I am. I haven't given her my number yet, so it's perfect because she doesn't know who I am yet. I am not quite ready for the reveal yet.

As I sealed the envelope, I couldn't help but wonder how she would react. Would she be surprised? Would she text me right away, or would she take her time, pondering over my bold move? The uncertainty only added to the excitement, and I eagerly dropped the letter off at her doorstep, hoping for a positive response.

In the days that followed, the image of Sophie and me together lingered in my mind. It was a recurring daydream, one that I couldn't help but indulge in as I devoted hours to capturing it on canvas. The strokes of my brush brought her features to life—the twinkle in her eyes, the curve of her smile—it was as if she were right there with me, in the world of my creation.

Aunt Ro's voice interrupted my reverie, her teasing tone pulling me back to reality. "Alright, Keefe, spill it. What's got you grinning like a fool?" She chuckled, her knowing gaze fixed on me.

I chuckled, shaking my head as I tried to play it cool. "Oh, nothing; just lost in my thoughts, I guess," I replied, hoping she wouldn't see through my facade.

But Aunt Ro was no fool. She raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Is this about a certain someone, hm?" she prodded, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

I couldn't hold back a sheepish grin, the truth bubbling up within me. "Maybe," I admitted, my cheeks flushing slightly.

Aunt Ro laughed, her laughter filling the room with warmth. "Well, whoever she is, I hope she knows how lucky she is to have you pining after her like this," she teased, her affection for me shining through her words.

I rolled my eyes, but deep down, her words made my heart swell with hope. Maybe, just maybe, Sophie would be open to the idea of us being more than just two people exchanging secret admirer letters. Maybe my bold move would pay off, and we could step into a new chapter of our friendship, one filled with honesty and openness.

Also, I want to express my love for her more often than in these letters.

Getting to know her this past little while has been a true gift. She has brought a beautiful piece of light into my life. When I was stuck in the darkness before, I was just sad and alone. I wasn't even allowed to be my jokester self. Some of that shone through while hanging out with them.

Everything is so much different now. It's a beautiful difference. Oh Foster, you are the miracle of my heart. I'm thankful to have met you.

Sophie's POV:

I lay on my bed, the soft pink duvet pulled up to my chin, a smile playing on my lips as I thought about my secret admirer. The day had been a whirlwind of classes, homework, and a quick visit to the nurse's office because I am clumsy, but all I could think about now was the mysterious notes that had been appearing in my locker.

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