-Raindrops & A Sweet Kiss-

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A/N: "In The Rain" David Russell 😏

This chapter is dedicated to @Gracie122334455 and @Too_Many_Fandoms999 

Sophie's POV: 

I sat at my desk, twirling my pencil absentmindedly, my mind consumed by the mystery of my secret admirer. Ever since the notes started appearing in my locker, my heart had been in a constant state of flutter. Was it Keefe, the charming boy who sat behind me in Homeroom, or was I simply imagining things?

I couldn't ignore the way he always seemed to be around, a familiar presence that sent butterflies dancing in my stomach. Even though we had known each other for a few months, Keefe's recent actions had me questioning everything. The gentle touches, the sweet whispers, the cheek kisses – were they all signs of something more?

As the day unfolded before me, I found it increasingly difficult to focus on my classes. Each time the bell rang, my heart would skip a beat, hoping that another note would materialize in my locker. But as the hours passed, no new messages arrived, leaving me to wonder if my secret admirer had lost interest or was simply biding their time.

During lunch, I found myself seated across from Keefe and our friends, the lively chatter of our group fading into background noise. His gaze met mine, a teasing glint in his eyes that made my cheeks flush. Was that a sign? Or was I reading too much into it? I caught Keefe glancing in my direction more than once, a mischievous twinkle in his eye that sent a shiver down my spine. Could it be him after all? The thought both thrilled and terrified me. What if it was all just a game to him, a means to pass the time in our mundane high school existence?

The rain drummed a soothing melody on the roof of my umbrella as I walked out of school, my thoughts drifting away from the day's lessons. With a sigh, I looked up to the gray sky, feeling the cool droplets cascade down around me. I shielded my eyes from the rain with my hand, squinting ahead to see a familiar figure standing there amidst the downpour.


My heart skipped a beat as I recognized him, his blonde hair slicked back against his forehead, his eyes fixed on me. I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with uncertainty as I approached him. What was he doing here?

"Do you trust me, Sophie?" Keefe's words cut through the sound of rain, his expression serious yet tinged with a hint of something mysterious.

His question caught me off guard, leaving me feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity. Trust was a fragile thing, a delicate thread that bound people together. I hesitated, unsure of how to respond to his unexpected inquiry.

"I-I guess so, Keefe. Why do you ask?" My voice wavered slightly, betraying the whirlwind of emotions swirling within me.

Keefe's gaze bore into mine, his eyes searching for something I couldn't quite decipher. There was a tension in the air, a sense of anticipation that hung between us like a static charge before a storm.

"Sophie, I-I..." Keefe's voice trailed off; his words lost in the sound of raindrops hitting the pavement around us.

And then, without warning, he leaned forward and closed the distance between us, his hand cupping my cheek gently as his lips pressed against mine in a soft, tender kiss. Time seemed to stand still in that moment, the world fading away as I felt a rush of warmth and longing surge through me.

As the rain continued to fall around us, I found myself lost in the sensation of Keefe's touch, the touch of his lips against mine. It was a moment of unexpected intimacy, a connection that transcended words and defied explanation.

In that instant, I knew. I knew that Keefe was more than just a friend, more than just a familiar face in the crowd. He was my secret admirer, the one who had been there all along, silently watching, silently waiting for the right moment to reveal his true feelings.

As we pulled away from each other, a blush creeping over my cheeks, I looked into Keefe's eyes and saw a reflection of my own emotions mirrored back at me. There was a vulnerability in his gaze, a raw honesty that took my breath away.

"I-I didn't know..." I trailed off, unable to find the words to express the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me.

Keefe reached out, taking my hand in his, his fingers intertwining with mine in a silent gesture of reassurance. The rain continued to fall around us, a soothing backdrop to the unspoken conversation between us.

"I've been meaning to tell you, Sophie. I've been meaning to show you how I feel," Keefe confessed, his voice soft yet filled with an intensity that resonated deep within me.

As the rain continued to fall, we stood together under the cover of the umbrella, our hands intertwined, our hearts speaking a language all their own. And as the world around us faded into a blur of colors, I knew that this moment would stay with me, etched into my memory like a precious gem.

And most of all Keefe was my secret admirer. I couldn't be any happier about it.

The world seemed to spin around us as we stood there, lost in each other's gaze. The air crackled with unspoken words, with a newfound understanding that pulsed between us. And as Keefe spoke, his voice soft yet filled with emotion, I knew that this moment would change everything.

"Sophie," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "I've held back for so long, afraid to admit what I feel. But seeing you, being with you, it's like coming home. I love you, Sophie, more than words can ever express. I know I should have told you sooner. But I couldn't bear the thought of ruining our friendship. I care about you more than words can express, and I hope that maybe...just maybe, you feel the same way too."

His vulnerability touched a chord deep within me, and I felt the walls around my heart crumbling, leaving me exposed and raw. I reached for his hand, weaving our fingers together in a silent gesture of understanding.

"Keefe, I...I do feel something for you. I may not have realized it before, but you've always been there for me, even when I didn't see it. And now...now I can't imagine my life without you in it."

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, a mixture of joy and relief flooding through me. This was it, the moment I had unknowingly been waiting for, the moment when everything fell into place. And as I reached out to clasp his hand in mine, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

And in that moment, standing amidst the rain and the quiet beauty of the world around us, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. I knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, a chapter filled with uncertainty and possibility, but also with a bond that transcended time and space.

And so, under the canopy of the rain, Me and Keefe stood together, our hearts entwined in a bond that transcended friendship. The world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us connected in a way that was both new and familiar.

As we walked away from the school, hand in hand, the rain serving as our witness, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the serendipitous moment that had brought us together. It was a moment of unexpected magic, a moment that would forever be etched in my heart as the day I found love in the most unexpected of places.

As we walked side by side, the rain continued to fall, its gentle rhythm mirroring the beating of my heart. For me, this moment marked a new beginning, a chapter in my life that promised love, trust, and endless possibilities. And as I looked up at the sky, a sense of peace washed over me, knowing that whatever lay ahead, I would always have Keefe by my side.

I was super thankful to know that Keefe was my secret admirer.  



"Wiffie....wifey? Well its either wiffle ball or an arranged marriage game." (-Ralph: Breaks The Internet.)

Keep Being Cool


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