-ANGRY Sparkle Princess-

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A/N: The video above is BIANA. Hence the title. 

Biana's POV: 

I sat on the edge of Dex's bed, frustration bubbling inside me like a fierce storm, I couldn't help but pour out my heart to him. My best friend, Sophie Foster, the girl who always seemed to have all the answers, was completely oblivious to the pain she was causing those around her. I had to rant about how she was hurting Keefe without even realizing it, how she was constantly blind to the emotions swirling beneath the surface.

I felt beyond frustrated. Felt like I was going to scream. 

I couldn't keep my annoyance bottled up any longer. Sophie's sweet obliviousness was driving me insane. How could she be so blind to what was happening right in front of her? I needed to talk to someone about this before I exploded, so I turned to Dex, my boyfriend, for some much-needed venting.

"Dex," I started, my voice tinged with frustration. "I can't deal with Sophie's cluelessness anymore. It's like she's walking through a field of roses, completely unaware of the sharp thorns waiting to prick her."

Dex frowned, his blue periwinkle eyes softening with understanding. "I know, Biana. It's not easy for me either, especially since she's my adoptive cousin. But seeing her hurt Keefe without even realizing it... it's painful."

I gazed at Dex, grateful for his unwavering support. We had been through so much together, and his empathetic nature always managed to calm the storm raging within me. "I just wish she would open her eyes and see the damage she's causing," I muttered, feeling the weight of my words settling between us like a heavy fog.

I sighed, feeling a mix of anger and helplessness wash over me. "And now, Caleb of all people is catching her attention. Can you imagine that? I can't stand the thought of him being the one to distract her when Keefe needs her the most."

Dex's jaw clenched at the mention of Caleb, his dislike for the guy evident. Even though I knew Dex wasn't a fan of him either, it was still frustrating to watch Sophie fall for Caleb's charm while Keefe suffered in silence.

But as Dex wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a comforting embrace, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. I knew that no matter how oblivious Sophie was, I had Dex by my side, ready to support me through it all.

This was going to get rough.

I feel like I'm on the verge of exploding with anger towards her. I don't know why, but it's simmering inside me.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over our room, I felt a surge of anger building within me. How much longer could I hold back my frustrations, my unspoken truths, before they spilled out like an overflowing river? I looked at Dex, determination flashing in my eyes. "I'm at my breaking point, Dex. I can't keep pretending everything is fine when it's not. Sophie needs to wake up to the reality around her, even if it means shaking her to her core."

Dex's gaze softened, his love for me shining through. "I know, Biana. And when the time is right, we'll find a way to make her see. But until then, we'll stand by her side, weathering the storm together."

I knew he was right, but I still wanted to stay angry for a little longer. I wasn't quite ready to let it go.

Cause I feel like an ANGRY sparkle princess.  

Dex's POV: 

As I sat on the edge of Dex's bed, frustration bubbling inside me like a fierce storm, I couldn't help but pour out my heart to him. My best friend, Sophie Foster, the girl who always seemed to have all the answers, was completely oblivious to the pain she was causing those around her. I had to rant about how she was hurting Keefe without even realizing it, how she was constantly blind to the emotions swirling beneath the surface.

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