-A Talk with Aunt Ro-

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Keefe's POV: 

I lay on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, my heart heavy with disappointment and sadness. The events of the past few days played on a loop in my mind, each moment more painful than the last. Sophie Foster, the girl I had come to care for deeply, seemed oblivious to my feelings, instead believing that her secret admirer was none other than Caleb, of all people. It tore at me, the thought of her falling for someone else when all I wanted was for her to see me, to choose me.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear the soft knock on my door, and it creaked open to reveal my aunt Ro, the amazing person who had raised me. She looked at me with concern, her eyes filled with sympathy as she approached me and sat on the edge of the bed. The look that my parents never had for me. It makes me glad that I have her now instead of my terrible excuse of parents.

"Hey Hunkyhair, what's on your mind?" she asked gently, her voice a balm to my troubled soul.

I sighed heavily, feeling the weight of my emotions pressing down on me. "It's Foster, Ro," I began, the words tumbling out before I could stop them. "I thought... I thought maybe she felt something for me too, but now she's convinced that Caleb is her secret admirer. It hurts, Ro, it hurts so much."

Ro listened patiently, her expression a mix of understanding and concern. She reached out and placed a comforting hand on my arm. "Oh, Keefe, my dear boy," she said softly. "Love can be a tricky thing, but sometimes we must be willing to fight for what we want."

I shook my head, feeling defeated. "But what's the point, Ro? If she's already set her sights on Caleb, what chance do I have?"

Ro's eyes sparkled with a glint of determination. "You have every chance, Hunkyhair. Love is not always straightforward, but it's worth taking a risk for. Don't give up before you've even tried."

"Thanks Ro, I'll give it some thought." I said knowing I wanted to think about this more. I love that she's there for me when I need it most. Filling in the empty spot my parents never could. Having a parental figure to support you during difficult times is truly comforting. Living with Ro has been a tremendous blessing that rescued me from a place where I felt unloved and broken-hearted.

Reality had taught me a harsh lesson these past few days - sometimes love needed to wait for the right moment. I made a silent vow to myself that day - I would be whatever Sophie needed me to be. A friend, a confidante, a shoulder to lean on. I would shed the mask of the charming troublemaker and reveal the part of me that had been yearning for her attention, for her understanding. It wasn't about being the hero, about sweeping her off her feet with grand gestures. It was about being there, in the small moments that mattered, in the whispers of late-night conversations and the shared smiles that spoke volumes.

As much as it hurts to wait for her, I think the most important thing is that she is my friend. Because right now her friendship is the best gift of all, and I was willing to weather this storm of uncertainty if it meant preserving the bond we shared.

Foster was an enigma, a whirlwind of determination and kindness that drew everyone in like moths to a flame. And I was no exception. From the first moment we met, I knew she was someone special, someone worth fighting for. But fate had other plans, and I found myself standing on the sidelines, watching her bloom into a beacon of hope for others while keeping my own flames hidden.

Foster was like a ray of sunshine to me, brightening up the darkest corners of my mind with her infectious laughter and unwavering kindness. She had this way of making everyone around her feel special, including Caleb, the one she mistakenly thought was infatuated with her. It pained me to see her oblivious to my own feelings, but I couldn't bring myself to ruin the friendship we shared by blurting out the truth.

I would catch myself daydreaming about what it would be like to hold her hand, to tell her how much she meant to me, to see her smile knowing that it was because of me. But reality always hit me like a tidal wave, reminding me that Sophie saw me only as a friend. And as much as it hurt, I was willing to wait for her, to bide my time until she was ready to see me as more than just a confidante.

So now I wait for the day when she'll realize that the one, she's been searching for has been by her side all along. I wait for the moment when our paths will converge, when destiny will bring us together in a way that defies logic and reason. And until that day comes, I'll continue to love her from a distance, cherishing every moment we share, every smile, every laugh, knowing that she holds a piece of my heart, now and forever.


The next morning, something inside me snapped. I couldn't bear to see her continue to be misled, believing that Caleb was the one behind those letters. I knew it was time to put an end to it, at least for now. So, with a heavy heart and a determined mind, I made the decision to stop the secret admirer letters to Sophie.

It wasn't an easy choice to make, knowing that those letters brought her joy and a sense of mystery. But I couldn't stand the thought of her being misled, especially when her heart seemed to be leaning towards someone who wasn't the true author of those heartfelt words.

And while my heart may have shattered into a million pieces at that, I couldn't bring myself to reveal the truth. So, I made a choice. I decided to stop the letters, at least for now. Maybe it'll make things clearer, or maybe it'll just make everything more confusing.

I decided that I would be getting help from Dex and Biana. Also filling them in on what I am doing.

I gathered my courage and met with my friends, Biana and Dex, in our usual spot by the shimmering lake. Biana's eyes widened as she noticed the somber look on my face, and Dex tilted his head in concern. I took a deep breath and spilled out everything. The truth about the admirer letters, the ache in my heart, and my decision to put an end to it all.

Biana's hand grasped mine in a gesture of support, and Dex offered a knowing smile. They didn't say much, but their presence alone was enough to soothe the turmoil within me. I knew I could always count on them, even in my moments of vulnerability.

"Are you sure about this, Keefe?" Biana asked, concern etched in her features.

I nodded, forcing a smile. "I have to let her figure things out on her own. She deserves to be happy, even if it's not with me."

Dex gave me a knowing look. "You're doing the right thing, Keefe. If anyone can understand sacrifice, it's you."

Their words warmed my weary soul, giving me the strength to seal the letter and tuck it away in my drawer. It was done. The chapter of secret admirer letters to Sophie had come to a bittersweet end. I felt a sense of peace settle over me. Maybe, just maybe, things would eventually fall into place. Maybe this temporary silence would pave the way for a future where words weren't left unspoken. 

I knew I had to wait. 

Until she was ready for more. 


*Awww Keefe, HE IS THE SWEETEST! Still making the fandom feel single I see. 🥹

"Perhaps Ladybug will love me someday. I mean like I love her. I have to believe. In the meantime, her friendship is the best gift of all. UGH! All this sweet talk is grossing me out I NEED CAMENBERT!" (Adrien--Plagg---Miraculous Ladybug)

Keep Being Cool


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