-The Third Love Letter-

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Sophie's POV: 

I woke up that morning with a flutter of excitement in my chest. Today was the day I felt excited and looked forward to another letter from my Secret Admirer. I still couldn't figure out who it could be, but each letter seemed to hold a clue, a tantalizing hint that kept me guessing. Me and Biana are still trying to come up with clues on who it could be. All of this has gotten me excited in trying to solve the mystery. I made sure to tell all my friends that if they figure it out, they aren't allowed to tell me.

I'd rather figure it out on my own. I only want my friends to help me come up with potential ideas.

As I got ready for school, my mind raced with possibilities. Could it be Ethan, the quiet boy in my math class who always sat in the back? Or maybe it was Jason, the charming guitarist who played at the local coffee shop on weekends. The possibilities seemed endless, and it made the school day feel like a never-ending game of guess who. A serious game of guess who. Or maybe it's Fitz trying to flirt his way with me. I roll my eyes at the thought, there's no way its Fitz. His tone doesn't match the letters. But then again, he could be writing like that to throw me off.

I don't know but for now Fitz isn't a possibility. He has too many girls throwing themselves at him and I don't want to be one of them. I mean he is good looking and all but not that good looking, at least not for my tastes.

Classes blurred by in a haze as my mind wandered. I watched the clock, eagerly awaiting the moment when I would find the next letter in my locker. The hallways were filled with the usual chaos of students rushing to their next class, their conversations blending into a cacophony of voices. But amidst the chaos, my heart whispered to me, reminding me of the anticipation that awaited me.

Finally, the last bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I practically sprinted to my locker, the key to solving the mystery hanging by a thread of paper. With trembling hands, I opened my locker to find a small envelope hidden among my textbooks. My heart leaped in my chest as I tore it open, revealing the delicate script inside.

Lovely Sophie,

Each day that passes, I find myself falling deeper in love with you. Even finding myself daydreaming about you. Please know that even though you don't know who I am yet, my love for you is pure and genuine. As it is something I can't deny. I cherish the moments when our eyes meet across the room, and I glimpse your radiant smile. It brightens up my day, and I find myself looking forward to each encounter. Though our paths have yet to cross, I feel like we are connected in ways that are beyond my comprehension. Each day, I find myself growing more longing for you, and I dream of the day when I can reveal my identity.

Hopefully I can make that dream come true someday.

-Your Secret Admirer

I blushed as I read the words, feeling a warmth radiate through my body. My secret admirer had a way with words that made me feel seen and cherished. It was as if he knew my deepest desires and could fulfill them with his eloquent expressions of affection. I closed my locker and headed to my first class, shifting through the crowded hallways of the elite school. Foxfire Academy was filled with prodigies—students with incredible abilities that ranged from mesmerizing talents to extraordinary elemental control. I often felt the weight of their expectations on my shoulders, as if I had to prove myself amidst this sea of brilliance.

Reaching my classroom, I took my seat beside Biana, my best friend. She had always been there for me, supporting me through thick and thin, even though I hid many aspects of my abilities from her. Biana was bubbly and outgoing, always ready to take on whatever challenges came her way.

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