-Heartwarming Gift & Letter-

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Sophie's POV: 

As the final bell of the school day rang, signaling the start of the weekend, a sense of relief washed over me. I quickly gathered my books and belongings, eager to leave the confines of the classroom behind. But as I went to collect my jacket from my locker, something caught my eye - a glint of gold. Curious, I reached inside, and my breath caught in my throat as I pulled out a delicate gold necklace with my name, "Sophie," elegantly scripted across it.

As I opened my locker, something caught my eye. There, hanging on the door, was a beautiful gold necklace with the name "Sophie" engraved on it. My heart skipped a beat as I reached out to touch it, feeling the weight of the delicate chain in my hand. Who could have left this for me? I wondered, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Could it be from my Secret Admirer?

Just as I was about to close my locker, a piece of paper fluttered out and landed at my feet. I picked it up, my hands trembling slightly. With the necklace safely tucked into my bag, I closed my locker and found a folded piece of paper wedged inside. My heart raced as I unfolded it, revealing a message written in swirling cursive. The note was written in elegant script, and as I read the words, my heart swelled with emotion. It was from my Secret Admirer, expressing admiration and affection in a way that made my cheeks flush with warmth.

"To my dearest Sophie,

In a world full of chaos and noise, your light shines the brightest. Your kindness, intelligence, and grace mesmerize me every day. This necklace is a token of my admiration for you, a reminder that you are truly cherished. I hope it brings a smile to your face.

Yours always,

Your Secret Admirer"

My cheeks flushed as I re-read the letter, the words swirling in my mind. Who could have sent this to me? The mystery added an extra layer of excitement to my day. I hurriedly put the necklace around my neck, feeling its weight against my skin, a physical reminder of the anonymous admiration. Whoever this person is, they are making me feel special. Closing my locker. I headed out to walk over to Biana's. The girls wanted to hangout today and have fun.

As I walked outside, I saw Keefe sitting on a nearby bench. "Hi Keefe," I said, waving at him. He turned to me and grinned. "Hey Foster. What's got you in a giddy mood?" Keefe asked, a smirk forming on his face. 

"I got a beautiful necklace today. It really made my day," I told him with a smile. "That's great. Someone must really think highly of you to give you such a lovely gift," he replied cheerfully. "I hope so. Anyway, I'll catch you later, Keefe. I'm off to Biana's house," I said as I started to walk away. "Yep. See you later, Foster."

"Bye, Keefe," I waved to him before turning around and heading to Bi's. 

When I reached Biana's house, she was already outside, her vibrant smile and outstretched arms welcoming me. Linh and Marella were there too, their faces lit up with excitement. As we settled down on the comfortable patio furniture, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such amazing friends by my side.

"Hey Sophie! What's the latest on your secret admirer?" Biana prodded, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks as the topic turned to the mysterious notes I had been receiving from an anonymous sender. It had started innocently enough, with a simple message written on a small piece of paper left in my locker. Each note that followed revealed bits and pieces about my admirer, leaving me both intrigued and bewildered.

I grinned, pulling out a small, intricately designed box from my bag. "Check this out, guys. It's my latest gift from my secret admirer."

Their eyes widened in curiosity as I carefully opened the box, revealing a delicate necklace with a sparkling pendant. The intricate design and dazzling gemstones took their breath away.

"Wow, Sophie, that's gorgeous!" Marella exclaimed, reaching out to touch the pendant gently.

"Your secret admirer has great taste," Linh added, her eyes studying the necklace with admiration.

I couldn't help but blush at their praise. It had been a few weeks since I started receiving these mysterious gifts, each one more beautiful than the last. The anonymity of the sender only added to the intrigue, making me wonder who could be behind these thoughtful gestures.

I was looking forward to finding out. "Yes, they do. I can't wait to find out who is it." I told them excitedly. "Only remember if any of you figure it out, I don't want you to tell me." I said firmly. They all nodded in agreement. and we headed up to Biana's room to chat some more. Entering Biana's room and getting settled, Biana started painting Marella's nails.

"Have you noticed anything different about the handwriting? Any clues that could point us in the right direction?" Linh asked me curiously.

I shook my head, feeling a mix of frustration and excitement bubbling within me. "It's always in perfect cursive, like it's been carefully written out. And there's this signature heart at the end of each note. It's all so mysterious!"

Marella, always the voice of reason, chimed in with a thoughtful expression. "Maybe it's someone who's too shy to reveal their true feelings upfront. Or perhaps they enjoy the thrill of keeping you guessing."

"I don't know. Or maybe they are enjoying my reaction to their letters. Or they could be shy." I told them. Biana nodded, "I suppose that's a good point. Maybe with yours they are too shy and scared of rejection, so they do this anomalously instead."

"I agree with you there. I just found it so unexpected at first. I had thought I wasn't all that special to be seen like this." I said honestly.

Linh, the calm and level-headed one of the group, leaned back against the cushions. "Well, whoever it is, they definitely have a thing for you. It's sweet, in a way."

Conversation soon drifted to other topics, and we spent the evening chatting and laughing, the easy camaraderie between us like a warm embrace. I cherished these moments, surrounded by friends who knew me so well and accepted me unconditionally.

As the night wore on, Marella suddenly jumped up, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I have an idea! Let's play a game of Truth or Dare. It'll be fun!"

Biana and Linh exchanged amused glances before nodding in agreement, and soon we were engrossed in the game, each revelation and challenge bringing more laughter and connection among us.

When it was my turn, I chose truth, and Marella wasted no time in asking the question that had been lingering in the air all evening. "Do you have a crush on your secret admirer?"

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks, but I met Marella's gaze steadily. "I...I think I might. It's strange not knowing who they are, but there's something intriguing about the mystery."

The girls erupted in squeals and giggles, teasing me playfully as I tried to defend myself. The moment was light-hearted and carefree, a snapshot of friendship that I knew I would always cherish.

As the night drew to a close, we exchanged hugs and promises to meet again soon, the bond between us unbreakable and strong. Walking home under the soft glow of streetlights, I couldn't help but smile, grateful for the love and laughter that filled my life.

And as I slipped into bed, a single thought lingered in my mind - the mystery of my secret admirer, a puzzle waiting to be solved, a chapter in my story that was just beginning. But for now, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and the promise of new adventures, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, content in the knowledge that I was never truly alone.

I am super thankful to have them alongside me. I think I'd be lost without them. Maybe with not many friends, maybe it would be just Dex but then again, he's the one who brought me into the group of friends in the first place. He had already been in the group. When I first was adopted by Edaline and Grady, I was worried I wouldn't have any friends at school.

Looks like I was proven wrong.  



"Hey Chakal! Why don't you pick on someone your own size? There's no one that big man." (The Book of Life--Joaguin)

Keep Being Cool


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