-A Day on The Lake-

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A/N: "Skyward" Scott & Brendo

Sophie's POV: 

As the sun warmed the crisp morning air, the shimmering waters of the lake beckoned to us, promising a day filled with laughter and adventure. Biana, Keefe, Fitz, Tam, Linh, Dex, Marella, and I gathered at the lakeside, our excitement palpable as we prepared for a day of fun on the water.

"I can't wait to ride the kayaks and paddle boards!" Biana exclaimed; her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Yeah, and the giant lake obstacle course looks so cool!" added Dex, his face lit up with a mischievous grin.

"Alright, let's get this party started!" Keefe declared, his infectious energy fueling our spirits as we eagerly headed towards the water. I stood on the edge of the dock, my heart racing with anticipation, Biana grabbed my hand and grinned. "Come on, Sophie! Let's grab some kayaks and hit the water!"

Kayaks and paddle boards awaited us, eager for our exploration of the lake's beauty. The gentle lapping of the waves against the shore created a soothing background melody as we paddled out, the clear waters reflecting the azure sky above. Laughter bubbled up among us as we navigated the waters, each stroke of the paddle bringing us closer together.

The cool breeze on my face and the rhythm of the paddles against the water filled me with a sense of freedom and peace. The water sparkled like diamonds under the warm sun, and I couldn't help but smile as I glanced at my friends, their eyes twinkling with excitement.

We decided to test our agility on the giant lake obstacle course, a challenging maze of ropes and platforms that towered above the water. With shouts of encouragement and playful taunts, we navigated the course, pushing ourselves to go faster and higher. The sound of splashes filled the air as each of us took turns falling into the water, followed by fits of laughter that echoed across the lake.

Laughter filled the air as we tumbled into the water, each of us trying to navigate the slippery obstacles. Despite my best efforts, I found myself falling off more than the others. Keefe, always the joker, couldn't resist teasing me about my clumsiness.

"Careful, Sophie! You're going to grow fins if you keep swimming that much!" he teased, his ice blue eyes twinkling mischievously.

I splashed water at him in response, my own laughter blending with the symphony of joy around us. I rolled my eyes playfully and retorted, "Hey, at least I'm keeping things interesting!"

It didn't matter that I was the clumsiest; what mattered was the bond we shared and the memories we were creating together. After hours of playful competition and water fights, Alden, Biana, and Fitz's dad surprised us by arriving with a boat. We eagerly climbed aboard, our excitement reaching new heights as we set off into the open waters.

"Who's ready for some tubing?" Alden called out, a wide grin on his face.

Dex, Keefe, and I eagerly volunteered to go first. As the boat picked up speed, the wind whipped through my hair, and the thrill of the ride made my heart race with excitement.

"Ready for a bumpy ride, guys?" Keefe yelled over the roar of the engine, a mischievous grin on his face.

Before we could respond, a sudden jolt sent us flying off the tube. "AHHHHH" I heard Keefe yell. Plunging into the cool water with a splash. Me and Dex resurfaced, sputtering and laughing, the adrenaline still coursing through our veins.

"That was epic!" Dex shouted; his eyes wide with exhilaration.

Keefe, ever the comedian, popped out of the water with a grin, "Well, that was a crash course in tubing!" he quipped, earning more laughs from the group. Then we got back on the boat and watched the rest of our friends fall off the tube. We even did a little surfing. It was all a blast.

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