-I Feel Broken-

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A/N: "Perfect For Me" Justin Timberlake--Trolls 

*Picks up from the preface chapter.*

Keefe's POV: 

In the dim glow of my room, surrounded by the haunting shadows of my thoughts, I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, my heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty and self-doubt. Sophie, the one who held my heart in her hands, believed another to be her secret admirer. The mere idea was a dagger to my already shattered soul, piercing with a pain I could hardly bear.

I curled into myself, feeling lost in the darkness that seemed to seep into every crevice of my being. Why was love always so elusive to me? Why did happiness taunt me from afar, always dancing just beyond my reach? Like a cruel joke, life had a way of teasing me with the prospect of love, only to snatch it away when I dared to reach out.

Sophie, with her radiant smile and kind heart, was the beacon of light in the darkness of my existence. Every glance, every touch, every shared moment filled me with a happiness I had never known before. But now, the shadows of doubt crept in, clouding my vision and whispering cruel lies of inadequacy and unworthiness.

I closed my eyes, trying to shut out the pain that threatened to consume me. How could she not see? How could she be so oblivious to the depth of my feelings, to the love that burned fiercely in my heart for her? The thought of her in the arms of another, the thought of her finding happiness with anyone but me, tore at my very core.

Before I met her, my life was bleak and desolate. My parents' loveless marriage left me feeling broken and unloved. After their divorce and my mother's departure, I found solace with my Aunt Ro, who became the parental figure I desperately needed. Despite her care, I still felt isolated due to a lack of friends.

When Foster came into my life, everything was different. She's an amazing girl who has had a profound impact on me. Her full name is Sophie Foster, but I prefer to call her Foster. When I first met her, my world changed for the better. She brought light into my life and helped me out of a dark place. With her, I feel like I can be whole again.

I felt hopeful and knew I wasn't broken. Ever since she came into my life, I hadn't smiled a genuine smile in a long time. As my smile had hidden away under all my pain I had endured. When I saw her, all the difficulties seemed to fade away, and I felt like something truly mattered again.

Falling in love with her was the best thing that ever happened to me. Initially, I was hesitant to express my feelings, so I resorted to writing her heartfelt letters. Witnessing her radiant smile as she read my words was a joyous sight. It felt like her world brightened just as mine did. I was filled with happiness and optimism, believing that our future together would be nothing short of extraordinary.

Except that's not what happened.

Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse. Sophie became increasingly unaware of my feelings, leading to misunderstandings and ultimately revealing who her secret admirer was. She seemed pleased to have solved the mystery, but to my disappointment, she did not realize it was me. Sophie's obliviousness reached a level that I found difficult to understand.

If you looked closely, you would recognize me, but Sophie Foster seems to think otherwise. She fails to see that I am more than just a friend. She refuses to open her heart and eyes to see the amazing, cute, handsome boy standing right in front of her.

Sophie is blind to my feelings. Like super blind.

I feel like I can't reach her love, and every day my life feels more like a sad song. I'm stuck writing the lyrics of my broken heart, and it feels like the song will never end until she realizes the truth. But it doesn't seem like that day will ever come. I'm just a friend in her eyes, and that's all I'll ever be.

It can be painful to hear someone you have feelings for refer to you as "just a friend." While it's common for relationships to start as friendships and then develop into something more, not every friendship will evolve into romantic love, and that's perfectly fine. Relationships can also grow into deeper friendships without becoming romantic. Each person's journey is unique, including mine. Relationships are a natural part of life, and it's important to remember that you can't always control your feelings.

You can't force anything from it.

I was happy to start off as friends because I wanted to take the time to really get to know her before committing to anything more. I wanted to be sure that my feelings were genuine and not just a passing crush. That's why I took the time to think about my feelings when I first met her, to ensure they were authentic. I didn't want to cause any problems down the line if my feelings weren't real.

I have realized that these feelings are truly love. Love at first sight has enchanted me, even though it doesn't happen to everyone. It seems like the universe knew it would happen to me. However, it has become challenging for me. Love can be so complicated in moments like this.

It's like being in a fog, unable to see clearly or make sense of the situation. It's a frustrating and painful experience, but sometimes love can blind us to the reality of a situation.

When I observe her, it's evident that she's not genuinely in love with the person she believes she is. She has convinced herself otherwise, choosing to ignore reality. It seems like she's evading the truth. While it's crucial to consider logic in some cases, emotions often require following your heart. Tune into the rhythm of your heart and follow where it leads. The outcome may not always be perfect, but taking a chance is worthwhile as you never know what may unfold.

Love is a complex and beautiful emotion that can be both fulfilling and challenging. It's a force that often defies logic and reason, guided by the heart rather than the mind. Sophie's true feelings are buried deep within her, unrecognized and unacknowledged. She remains oblivious to the depth of her emotions, choosing instead to focus on misplaced gratitude towards someone.

I appreciate the kindness and care this person has shown me, but I don't have romantic feelings for them. I have a strong intuition about these things. However, I can't help but wonder why it has to be him. It feels like he always gets what he wants, which can be frustrating. While other things may be minor annoyances, seeing the person I love with someone else is truly painful.

I will never understand. If they truly loved each other, I would be supportive and happy for them. But in this case, I can tell it's just boosting his ego and making himself look good. That's all he's ever cared about. He doesn't love Sophie, and Sophie doesn't love him. It's her refusal to see the truth that hurts me the most. One day, reality will catch up with her and she'll have to face the things she's been blind to. For now, I have to endure the pain of watching her fall for a boy she thinks she loves.

This isn't how I envisioned things, but it's how they've unfolded. I'm not sure how to move forward from here.I hope to figure it out soon. I don't want to live with a broken heart forever. Also, I don't' want to stand seeing Sophie being in love with someone who she isn't in love with.

I didn't expect things to turn out this way, but this is the reality I'm facing. I'm unsure of what steps to take next, but I hope to find a way forward soon. I don't want to carry this pain in my heart forever, and it's difficult to see Sophie in love with someone who doesn't feel the same way about her.

I love you more Foster and,

I feel broken and its worse this time. 


Don't worry Keefe. We are here for you.😢 

*There will be two chapters on Friday too. I am so CLOSE to 50 followers. 

"Plus, whenever I meet a beautiful camembert. I introduce myself. Hello Camembert, I'm Plagg. So very nice to EAT YOU.! " (Plagg--Miraculous Ladybug)

Keep Being Cool


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