-Keefe's Sad Love Letter-

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A/N: "Sad Song" Piano Cover (Same song from the Preface chapter.)

Keefe's POV: 

It was a cold, dreary Friay morning when I found myself standing in front of Sophie's locker, clutching a crumpled piece of paper in my hand. My heart pounded in my chest as I hesitated, torn between the overwhelming desire to pour out my feelings and the fear of rejection that gnawed at the edges of my resolve.

Sophie. The mere thought of her sent a wave of bittersweet longing through me, like an unfinished melody that lingered in the air, haunting and achingly beautiful. Her laughter was like the tinkling of wind chimes on a summer breeze, her eyes a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of emotions that drew me in like a moth to a flame.

But I knew deep down that I could never truly have her. Not in the way my heart yearned for. She was a star in the night sky, dazzling and unattainable, while I was just a mere mortal, with feet firmly planted on the ground, tethered by the chains of my own insecurities and doubts.

I unfolded the letter, the words I had poured my soul into staring back at me in black ink. "Some say a broken heart is like a shattered vase, Fragile pieces scattered all over the place..." I read aloud, the words tasting bitter on my tongue. How true they rang, echoing the hollow ache that had taken root in my chest.

As I read on, the weight of my unspoken feelings bore down upon me, threatening to crush me under its unbearable burden. "When your heart is in a million pieces which piece are you supposed to follow?" I whispered to the empty hallway, the question hanging in the air like a plea for guidance, for some semblance of clarity in the midst of this storm of emotions.

Heartbreak stung like a sharp, persistent ache in my chest, echoing through me each time I thought of her, of Sophie. She was the girl who had captured my heart with her laughter and kindness, only to shatter it with her unknowing rejection. I wandered the school halls, lost in my thoughts, the weight of my unspoken feelings for her pressing down on my shoulders like a burden too heavy to bear.

I found myself standing in front of Sophie's locker, a place that held both memories of happiness and the bitter taste of unrequited love. My fingers traced the cold metal surface, a stark reminder of the distance between us. I had promised myself that I would never write another secret admirer letter to her after what happened with Caleb, the boy she believed to be her mysterious suitor. But the ache in my heart, the longing to express my feelings, refused to be silenced.

With a heavy heart, I placed the letter in Sophie's locker, the metal door closing with a finality that felt like a death knell tolling in the distance. I turned on my heel, determined to leave behind this futile pursuit of a love that was destined to remain unrequited.

But as I walked away, the echoes of my unspoken confession followed me like a haunting melody, a reminder of the fragile shards of my heart that lay scattered at her feet. I promised myself then and there that I would never again write another secret admirer letter to her, that I would bury these feelings deep within me, locking them away in the darkest recesses of my soul.

Sophie's POV: 

I was buzzing with excitement as Saturday approached. The day I had been eagerly awaiting, the day Caleb and I were going to spend some quality time together. From the way he looked at me during our brief conversations to the little gifts mysteriously appearing on my desk, I was almost certain he was the one behind it all – my secret admirer.

The sun was shining brightly as I waited at our agreed meeting spot, a quaint café at the corner of the street. With a nervous flutter in my stomach, I couldn't help but smile as I saw Caleb approaching. His tall frame, sandy hair tousled by the gentle breeze, and those mesmerizing green eyes that always seemed to lock onto mine.

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