-Love From Afar-

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Keefe's POV: 

Watching Foster and Caleb together is like a dagger to my heart. Sophie, with her bright smile and bubbly laughter, seems completely captivated by Caleb. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy every time I see them hand in hand, sharing secrets and stolen glances. My chest tightens as I watch them, wishing that Sophie would realize who her true admirer is.

Ever since Foster received that mysterious secret admirer's letter, everything changed. She became engrossed in finding out the identity of the sender, and I could see how excited she was to have someone secretly care for her. But little did she know that the one who truly admires her is right in front of her, hidden in plain sight.

I am standing right in front of her. Does she see me? In a sense she does but not in the way I want her to. She remained oblivious to the depths of my feelings for her. Instead, she was falling for Caleb, the golden boy with a smile that could charm the stars out of the sky.

I clenched my fists in frustration as Sophie threw back her head and laughed at something Caleb whispered in her ear. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair. I had always been the one who made her smile, who understood her like no one else could. And yet, here I was, relegated to the sidelines, watching as she fell for someone else.

But I couldn't blame Sophie entirely. After all, I had never confessed my true feelings to her. I had hidden them deep inside, buried them beneath layers of sarcasm and wit. Perhaps she had never seen the truth because I had never dared to reveal it to her.

That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Watching them together is worse than anything I've endured before.

Because I'm in love.

Sophie's POV: 

Walking down the hall of Foxfire with the beautiful bright sun shining through the windows of the school, casting a warm glow on everything around me. My heart fluttered in excitement as I had finally found who my secret admirer was. Everything had fallen into place, each piece of the puzzle filling its spot. Caleb was my admirer, and it was amazing. I never would've thought he would have been behind the letters. Even then I wouldn't have guessed he had feelings for me.

The moment I laid eyes on the familiar paper in his hands, my heart skipped a beat. Could he really be the one who had been leaving me these notes? I sure think so, everything had led to him and I'm positive it's him. My mind was consumed with thoughts of him, and as we chatted and laughed together during lunch earlier today. I couldn't shake the feeling he was the one behind it all. Only adding more to my confirmation. He truly was the one. His smile, his jokes, his presence all felt like a beautiful dream come true.

Because I never knew someone could ever admire me the way he did.

The gentle fluttering of butterflies danced in my stomach as I approached my locker. Ready to maybe find another beautifully written letter, also eager to start another day. Opening the locker, I saw there nestled among my textbooks, a small, folded envelope with my name written in elegant script.

Excitement filled my heart as I recognized the beautiful writing. Unfolding the letter I began to read the heartwarming words once more. But as I started to read the first words my breath caught in my throat as I read the words carefully penned on the paper.

But as soon as I did reality struck hard, those words on the paper pierced through my excitement like a dagger. The heartbreaking poetry seemed out of place compared to the sweet messages I had received before.

"Some say a broken heart is like a shattered vase. Fragile pieces scattered all over the place.... when your heart is in a million pieces which piece are you supposed to follow."

Her Secret AdmirerWhere stories live. Discover now