-Love on The Heartbreak Side-

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*I was BORED. Felt like writing something and decided to publish cause why not.* LOL. 

Sophie's POV: 

As I rushed through the bustling school corridors, my mind was consumed with a single thought - Caleb. With every passing moment, the hints pointing towards him being my secret admirer seemed to grow stronger. From the notes mysteriously left in my locker to the lingering glances he threw my way during class, it all seemed to piece together like a carefully crafted puzzle.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of another school day, I couldn't contain my excitement. The possibility of Caleb being the one who had been anonymously expressing his admiration for me sent a thrill through my veins. With a skip in my step, I made my way home, my heart racing with anticipation.

Upon reaching the warm haven of our cozy house, I found Edaline, my adoptive mother, engrossed in her latest crystal project. I couldn't wait to share my newfound revelation with her. Flopping down on the couch beside her, I blurted out, "Mom, I'm pretty sure Caleb is the one. All the signs point to him being my secret admirer."

Edaline glanced at me, a knowing smile playing on her lips. She had always been my pillar of support, guiding me through the ups and downs of life with unwavering love and understanding. But today, her eyes held a hint of mischief that made me pause.

"Sophie, dear, that's quite a wild guess," she replied, her tone gentle yet teasing. "Are you sure it's Caleb?"

I nodded eagerly, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. "I am, Mom. I just have this gut feeling, you know? It all just seems to make sense."

Edaline's gaze softened, and she reached out to ruffle my hair affectionately. "Well, if you're happy, that's all that matters, sweetheart. Just remember, appearances can be deceiving."

Her words sparked a flicker of doubt in my mind, but I pushed it aside, choosing to revel in the excitement of my newfound crush. As the evening unfolded, my mind wandered back to Caleb, imagining the possibility of him harboring feelings for me.

Keefe's POV: 

As I sat in Biana's cozy living room, surrounded by the chatter of my friends, my heart only listened to one voice - Sophie's. The way she spoke about her admirer, so sure it was Caleb, made me ache in ways I couldn't explain. She had no idea that the one who truly admired her was right in front of her.

I tried to mask my pain with a casual smile, pretending to be engrossed in Dex's latest gadget invention, but every word Sophie said about Caleb pierced through me like a thousand needles. How could she not see the truth? How could she not see that it was me all along?

I stole a glance at Sophie, her sparkling eyes gleaming with excitement as she recounted the moments she shared with Caleb. Every word she spoke about him felt like a strike to my chest. I wanted to scream, to tell her that she was mistaken, that her admirer was not Caleb but me. But the words stuck in my throat, drowned by the weight of my fear and uncertainty.

The others continued their conversations, oblivious to the storm raging within me. They laughed and joked, passing around snacks and sharing stories from the latest adventure. But I was a million miles away, lost in the darkness of my own thoughts, battling the agony of unspoken words.

As the evening stretched on, I found myself drawn to the window, gazing out at the twinkling stars above. Their distant glow offered me a flicker of solace, a moment of peace amidst the chaos of my emotions. I wondered if they held the answers I sought, if they could guide me through this labyrinth of unspoken truths.

A soft touch on my shoulder brought me back to the present moment. It was Sophie, her eyes searching mine, filled with a warmth that ignited my soul. "Keefe, are you okay?" she asked, her voice a gentle melody that stirred my heart.

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