-Falling In Love-

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A/N: "Pretty Brown Eyes" Cody Simpson (Acoustic Version)

Keefe's POV: 

After stashing my belongings in my locker, I made my way to my first Homeroom class. It's technically English Language Arts, but at this school, it's considered the main class, hence the name Homeroom. This is the group of kids that I'll be with for the rest of my time at Foxfire. So far, my experience hasn't been too bad. I'm still feeling a bit unsure, but Biana reassured me a little bit yesterday at lunch. It helped to some extent but not so much. Some part of me isn't willing to trust this place.

I have some bad memories that keep trying to resurface. They're making me doubt whether this is a good idea. But I'm trying to push those thoughts aside. After all, I can't judge something if I don't know about it. And I won't know unless I try.

Biana asked me about my previous school, and I explained everything. I told her about all that I had been through, including bullying. I didn't need to go into the situation with my parents, as she already knew about it since her parents knew mine. She said that there are bullies here too, but it's mostly the popular kids and this girl named Stina. Well, with her, it's mostly just her and Dex pranking each other. Biana told me that Dex usually wins all the battles.

I may or may not have chuckled at that. It seems to me that Dex has a thing about chemistry and tech. Once he gave her a beard. It sounds like Dex, and I may have a thing or two in common when it comes to pranks. I like it. But he's never met the prank master.

She also explained that prestigious schools can sometimes be like that. The students can let their wealth go to their heads and think they are better than everyone else. It seems like Fitz, being the son of a Vacker, has let it get to his head. I would have to agree with her. He's always trying to find ways to boost his ego and make himself look good. But in all honesty, they are just another human being, just like you.

Taking a deep breath before entering the classroom, getting ready to meet the people I will get to know well. I am especially thankful that Biana and the rest of the group are in this class as well. As I enter the classroom, I look around for a seat next to someone I know. Biana waves at me and turns back to her conversation with Marella. Good to know she's here.

As I looked around, searching for a seat, I saw her. Suddenly, my world became a whole lot brighter. Everything seemed to stop, and I felt like everything was going to be okay. It was as if the challenges in my life didn't matter anymore; they just vanished as if they had never happened.

Her blonde hair is unlike anything I've ever seen before, and her brown eyes sparkle. Her lips form into a smile as she starts giggling at something the person, she's talking to says. From this distance, you can tell that there's something special in her eyes. But for some reason, I can see it clearly as day. Small, tiny golden flecks that make her eyes sparkle. She's unlike any girl I've ever seen before. I can feel a warmth forming inside me, and my heart is fluttering.

She was stunning. The warm feeling in my heart immediately told me that she was something special. "Hey Keefe," Biana said, snapping me back into the real world. Oh, right, class. "Hey Biana," I greeted her. "Here, let me show you where you can sit." She led me to an empty desk in the back with the rest of the group. I sat down, and Biana sat down in her own seat and turned to me.

"Hey, I know you've already met everyone else, but there's one more person you haven't met yet," Biana tells me. The beautiful blonde who had captured my heart turned to me. This is a dream come true. What am I feeling? It's something new, something I've never experienced before. Maybe because I've never had the chance to. My life before now was always sad and terrible. I never thought I could feel the way I've longed for since I was a young boy.

"Sophie, this is Keefe. Keefe, this is Sophie," Biana says, introducing us. "Glad to meet you, Keefe. I'm Sophie Foster," Sophie says, smiling at me. I almost fell out of my seat, even though her voice is beautiful. Her smile is so genuine, real, and magical. It's unlike the evil smiles I've seen a dozen times. I especially love her name. It's beautiful, and I think it suits her well.

I love the sound of it, but for some reason, when I go to respond to her, I say, "Nice to meet you, Foster," I say to her. She gives me a tiny, confused look, but it quickly changes back to a smile. "Thanks. I look forward to getting to know you better," Foster says. Well, where did Foster come from? No matter, I think I prefer calling her that instead of her first name anyway. I'm feeling good about her right now, so I think I'd rather call her something special.

"You know, I think we will be awesome friends," she says, smiling. "I would like to think so too, Foster," I say, winking. She smiles at that. I love the sound of "Foster," the way it rolls off my tongue. The bells rings signaling the start of class. I can tell that this is a class I won't ditch out on a lot. Cause I think being in the same class as her will be the best.


The day went by well. My B-day classes were okay, and I enjoyed some of them. However, history class was so boring that I almost fell asleep. I'm just glad it's my second period and not my fourth. I might even consider ditching that class because I don't want to keep falling asleep in it. I don't want to spend my time going through that again. Also, I know I am good looking and all, but I think one of my teachers has a crush on me now.

Professor Belva, my science teacher, is kind of creepy. I won't be attending that class very much unless I absolutely need to, but do you think I will? Uh, no. I'd rather ditch than be embarrassed by the fact that a teacher has a crush on me. I've heard of students having crushes on teachers but teachers on students? Now that's just weird.

As the day came to an end, I grabbed my things from my locker and thoughts of this morning flowed back into my mind, making me smile. I can still vividly recall the wonderful feeling I had this morning when I saw her for the first time. In that moment, it was just me and her, and I felt incredible. It was a feeling I never thought I could experience.

I used to think that "impossible" was a word that applied to my life. I never thought things could get better. But Foster proved me wrong. She turned my life around and exchanged it for a brighter future.

As I hopped off the bus and arrived home, I knew I had a goofy lovesick grin on my face. I was glad Ro wasn't home as she was running errands; she would have probably teased me a little about the goofy face I was making. Grabbing a small snack, I headed up to my room to ponder more on how Foster made me feel.

I'm lying on my bed, sighing. Oh Foster. I never knew it was possible to feel this way before you came into my life. It was always dark, lonely, and felt pointless to even be living. I had almost given up on finding anything good in this world. I had reached a point where I didn't believe it existed. I thought I was living in a world full of bad people.

One look at her and she turned all the bad around.

What should I do now? How do I express my feelings for her? I just met her a few hours ago, so maybe I shouldn't rush things. I should take it slow and see where it goes. She mentioned that she thinks we would be great friends, so I guess that's a good start.

I'm not sure how I'll be able to keep all of this in my heart. Maybe a good start would be to write letters anonymously, like a secret admirer, so I don't have to reveal myself until I know for certain that this will turn out okay. Besides, I'm still learning to trust things in life and trying to believe that not everything is all that bad.

What I know without a doubt in my heart.

I think I'm falling in love.  


Another chapter in the books! Hope you enjoy. 

"Wreck shoo. I'm the world's best backwards driver. Just watch this right here lover boy. WEEEE WOOO!!" (Mater--Cars)

Keep Being Cool


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