-Heartfelt Letter & Suspicions-

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Keefe's POV: 

I settled myself at my desk, the room cloaked in the hush of the night. The soft glow of the lamp cast shadows across the paper before me, as I held up my pen, ready to pour out the whirlwind of emotions that churned within me.

My hand hesitated for a moment before I began to write, the words flowing from me like a river. I poured out my heart on the page, laying bare the hurt and confusion that had consumed me ever since that fateful day. The day Sophie had mistaken another boy to be her secret admirer instead of me.

As I penned my feelings, the ink smudging with each heavy stroke, I found myself forgiving her for her obliviousness. It was a part of her, after all, and I couldn't help but find it endearing at times. I confessed in the letter how her innocence and naivety had both captivated and wounded me in equal measure.

The memories of yesterday of a special moment that played in my mind like a vivid reel of film. Her eyes wide with shock, her cheeks flushing a delicate shade of pink as my lips brushed against her cheek in a brief, tender kiss. I had meant it to be a gesture of comfort, a silent reassurance that I was there for her, even if she couldn't see it.

But now, as I penned these words on the parchment, I realized how much more it meant to me. How much I yearned for her to see me, truly see me, as more than just a friend. To recognize the love that lay buried beneath our banter and camaraderie.

The words spilled from me, a torrent of emotions that I couldn't contain. With each sentence, each confession, I bared my soul to her, laying everything bare. The ache in my heart, the longing in my soul, all of it laid out before her in the ink-stained lines.

And as I finished the letter, folding it carefully and sealing it with wax, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. A sense of relief washed over me, mingled with a flicker of hope that perhaps she would understand, perhaps she would see me in a new light.

As I laid on my bed for the night, I whispered into the empty space of the room.

"I forgive you Foster, and I love you still."


The next day, I made my way through the crowded halls of our school, heart drumming a wild beat in my chest. When I reached her locker, I hesitated for just a moment before sliding the letter inside, a piece of my soul tucked away in the dark metal confines.

As I walked away, a mix of emotions swirled within me – hope, fear, longing. Would she understand? Would she feel the same way? Only time would tell, but for now, I clung to the small spark of possibility that fluttered in my chest like a fragile butterfly.

Sophie's POV:

I opened my locker and saw the delicate envelope resting on top of my books, my breath caught in my throat. The familiar handwriting taunted me, teasing me with promises of hidden truths and unspoken desires. I gingerly picked up the letter, feeling the weight of anticipation settle in the pit of my stomach.

I thought my letters had stopped. Because just as quickly as they had begun, the letters had stopped. I couldn't deny the disappointment that had crept into my heart, leaving me to wonder if I had done something wrong, thinking maybe my secret admirer had given up on me, moving on to someone else or perhaps realizing that their affections were misplaced.

Intrigued and slightly apprehensive about the letter in my hands, I slid my finger under the flap and pulled out the neatly folded paper. Unfolding it with trembling hands, I began to read the words that danced across the page, each one a brushstroke painting a vivid picture of admiration and longing.

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