-Her Secret Admirer-

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A/N: "Try Everything" Shakria (Zootopia) 

Keefe's POV: 

The sun was warm against my skin as I sat by the pool, a contented smile on my face as I watched the scene unfolding before me. Sophie, my girlfriend, was beside me, her laughter mingling with the splashes and shouts of our friends in the pool. Biana was perched on Dex's shoulders, her competitive spirit evident as she tried to dunk Linh, who was on Tam's shoulders. Fitz, as usual, was attempting to show off his diving skills, though it was clear he was failing miserably. Marella was lounging nearby, soaking up the sun's rays.

As I took in the sight, my mind drifted back to the whirlwind of events that had led me to this moment. The year at school had been nothing short of amazing. Falling in love with Sophie, becoming her secret admirer, and then the chaos that ensued when she thought it was Caleb who had feelings for her. But in the end, everything had worked out. The rain-soaked kiss we shared was a moment I would always treasure—it was when Sophie and I finally became a couple, officially.

But amidst all the joy and happiness, there was a shadow from my past that always loomed in the back of my mind. The memories of my life before Aunt Ro came into it were like dark clouds threatening to spoil the sunny day. My terrible parents, who cared more about their own pursuits than their own son. The neglect, the loneliness—I shuddered at the mere thought of it. And then Aunt Ro had appeared like a beacon of light in the darkness, rescuing me from a life of despair.

I glanced over at Aunt Ro, who was chatting with Grady and Edaline by the barbecue. She had been my savior, my rock. Her unwavering love and support had transformed my world, giving me a sense of belonging I had never known. Living with her had been a blessing in disguise, a chance to start anew and leave behind the pain of the past.

As I watched Sophie playfully splash Fitz, a surge of gratitude washed over me. I had found love, friendship, and a sense of family in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. Aunt Ro, Sophie, our friends—they had become my safe haven, my refuge from the storms that had once ravaged my life.

I felt Sophie's hand slip into mine, her touch grounding me in the present moment. I turned to look at her, my heart swelling with affection. She smiled at me, her eyes sparkling with happiness. In that moment, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as I had her by my side, I could weather any storm.

The laughter of our friends, the warmth of the sun, the love in Sophie's eyes—it was a tapestry of moments woven together, creating a picture of a life filled with joy and love. And as I sat there, surrounded by those who had become my family, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be.

With a grateful sigh, I leaned in to press a kiss to Sophie's cheek, whispering, "I love you," words that carried the weight of all the emotions stirring within me. And as she smiled back at me, I knew that this moment, this love, was my safe harbor in a world that was finally beginning to make sense.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting golden hues over the pool, I closed my eyes, letting the warmth of the day seep into my bones. And in that moment of quiet contentment, I knew that I was home.

Sophie's POV: 

Rain drops shimmered like liquid diamonds as they fell gracefully from the heavy clouds above. The sky was a canvas of gray, pregnant with the promise of a downpour. The air was heavy with the scent of impending rain, a mix of petrichor and anticipation. The world seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the clouds to release their burden.

As the first drops began to fall, they danced on the pavement, creating a mesmerizing symphony of sound. Each droplet was a tiny jewel, reflecting the dull light of the stormy sky. The rain fell in a steady rhythm, a gentle drumbeat that seemed to lull the world into a peaceful trance.

The streets glistened with the sheen of the rain, reflecting the glowing lights of the city in a distorted and dreamlike way. The neon signs flickered and danced in the rain-soaked air, casting an otherworldly glow on the wet pavement. The world was transformed by the rain, turning dull concrete into a shimmering wonderland of light and shadow.

As the rain fell harder, it created a symphony of sound that echoed through the empty streets. The thunder rumbled in the distance, adding a bass note to the melody of the rain. The wind picked up, sending the rain streaming sideways in a wild, chaotic dance.

Lost in the tranquility of the moment, I felt a presence behind me. I turned to see Keefe, my mischievous boyfriend, standing there with a playful grin on his face. "Need an umbrella, princess?" he teased, holding out a brightly colored umbrella as if it were a shield against the rain.

I couldn't help but laugh at his antics, my heart swelling with affection for this man who always knew how to bring a smile to my face. Taking the umbrella from him, I replied with a playful tone, "Only if you promise not to sing in the rain, Keefe. I don't think the park is ready for that spectacle."

Rain fell softly upon the shimmering green leaves of the trees in the park, creating a soothing melody that filled the air with tranquility. I stood there, letting the gentle droplets fall on my face, feeling the coolness seep into my skin and cleanse my spirit. Each raindrop felt like a tiny kiss from the heavens, a reminder of the beauty that could be found even in the simplest of moments.

Keefe had a way of turning the ordinary into something extraordinary, of making even the dreariest of days feel like a magical adventure. As I stepped closer to him, the umbrella providing shelter from the rain, I couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in my heart.

His adoring gaze met mine, and in that instant, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be. Keefe's unwavering love and devotion filled me with a sense of peace and contentment, a feeling that washed over me like the gentle rain falling around us. The world faded away, leaving only the two of us standing there, connected by an invisible thread of love and understanding.

As we stood there, lost in each other's eyes, a sudden rumble of thunder echoed through the sky, breaking the peaceful silence. But instead of feeling fear, I felt a sense of exhilaration, a thrill that ran through my veins and ignited a fire within me. The storm above mirrored the storm in my heart, a powerful force of nature that could not be contained.

In that moment, as the rain continued to fall around us, Keefe pulled me close, his arms wrapped protectively around me. I felt the beat of his heart against my chest, a steady rhythm that matched my own. Together, we stood strong against the elements, united in our love and unbreakable bond.

The clash of thunder above seemed to signify a new beginning, a fresh chapter in our story. Despite the uncertainty of the future, I knew that as long as I had Keefe by my side, I could weather any storm that came our way. Our love was a beacon of light in the darkness, a guiding star that would lead us through every challenge and hardship we faced.

As the rain gradually began to subside, leaving behind a glistening world washed clean by nature's tears, I turned to Keefe with a smile that held a promise. We may have been caught in the midst of a storm, but with him beside me, I knew that we would always find our way back to the calm after the tempest.

I reached out to him, my hand finding his, fingers entwined in a silent promise of unity. And then, as if drawn together by an invisible force, we learned in, our lips meeting in a tender kiss. A symphony of emotions flooded my senses as the rain continued to fall around us, the world fading into a blur as the only thing that mattered was this moment, this love.

In that embrace, I found solace and joy, feeling the depths of my heart swell with love for Keefe. The rain continued to fall, a soothing backdrop to our shared moment, as we stood there, lost in our own world of love and affection. And as we finally pulled away, a sense of contentment washed over me, knowing that Keefe, my sweet loving boyfriend, was Her Secret Admirer.  



"Hey Nangi. These dudes have some questions about Emmet the otter." (Buffalo--Zootopia)

Keep Being Cool


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