-A New Student-

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A/N: "Good Vibes" By HRVY & Matoma


Sophie's POV: 

Meeting up with the group in our special spot in the library, I sat down in my usual seat. Already dreading the day, I can't help but wish I was at home, snuggled up in my bed, wearing my pajamas, and binge-watching my favorite shows. That sounds so much more enjoyable than being at school. I mean, let's be honest, who wants to be at school? Most people would rather be doing something more fun. As I relax, knowing I'm the first one there, as usual.

Finally, Biana and Dex arrive. "Hey Soph," Dex greets me as he takes his seat. "Hi Dex," I reply. I turn to Biana, the pretty brown-haired girl in the pink sparkle jacket, who is applying more lip gloss. "Hi Biana," I say. Biana is the epitome of pink, sparkles, and all things girly. In contrast, I consider myself more of a tomboy.

"Hey Sophie, ready for another day?" Biana asks, finishing her lip gloss. Shaking my head, I reply, "No, I never will be ready for a day of school," groaning in misery. I have my worst classes today, so I have good reasons to not be in a good mood right now. Soon, the rest of the group joins us, and Fitz announces he has some big news.

Our homeroom class is getting a new student," Fitz announced to us. "That's awesome. Do you know who he is?" Linh asked him curiously. "Yes. He's my best bud. He used to live in London before something happened. He lives with his aunt now. I am excited for him to be joining us," Fitz said. Biana rolled her eyes at how he rubbed that in. "I want you guys to make him feel welcome. His life isn't exactly the best," Biana rolled her eyes.

Eh sibling vibes. Sometimes it can be entertaining to watch Biana and Fitz playfully tease each other. However, when their banter turns into a full-blown fight, Dex and I prefer to distance us and let them argue about the trivial things that siblings often argue about. It's a reminder of how much I miss my own sister, Amy.

Ever since the accident, I have been in pain. I don't like to discuss it much because I don't want to dwell on the "what ifs" that plague my mind. Instead, I choose to cherish the memories I shared with those involved, keeping them close to my heart always. By focusing on what truly matters, I find solace. Of course, it was devastating at first, but I have learned to cope. There are still moments when sadness overwhelms me, but I have come to accept and embrace these emotions. I have learned that it is healthier to let them out rather than suppress them.

"What's he like, Fitz?" I asked him. "You'll find that out when he joins our class," Fitz says confidently, puffing his chest out a little. Sheesh, when will he realize that little trick is not attractive anymore? It makes him look ridiculous. Other girls have swooned over him when he puffs out his chest and gives his famous movie star smile. Fitz's brown hair, teal eyes, and movie star smile is not worth my heart fluttering. In fact, it drops down and refuses to be flattered by his ridiculous charm.

I always roll my eyes in annoyance when he does that.

I always roll my eyes in annoyance when he does that. The bell rings and we head down to our first classes. I quickly stop by my locker, placing the things I will need later inside and grabbing the things I need now. Closing my locker, I head down to my first period class. It's time to start another dreadful day of school. I seriously hate my B-day classes.

As I sit down at my desk, I pull out my notebook to start taking notes for the day. I can already tell that today is going to be incredibly boring. 

Keefe's POV:

Arriving at my new school with Aunt Ro, who may not be my biological aunt but feels like family to me, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in my life. Living with her has been a blessing, as she has made my life significantly better. This is especially true considering the constant fighting and eventual divorce of my parents, which left me feeling neglected and unloved. Whenever my parents did acknowledge my existence, it was accompanied by their evident hatred towards me, expressed through their hurtful words and spiteful expressions. Often wishing I had never been born into this painful world.

Daddy and Mommy Dearest don't deserve the title parents. They don't deserve it at all.

I was feeling nervous about starting at this new school. I couldn't help but wonder if it would be like my last one, where the other students never gave me a chance. They always looked down on me, with expressions like those my parents would have. I never felt appreciated for who I truly am; instead, I was constantly pushed aside. To hide my pain, I would often make jokes and act silly, but this only resulted in someone insulting me because they couldn't see that I could be serious too. Couldn't see a heartbroken boy wanting to belong.

I hope this school is different from the last one, but I'm glad that Biana, Fitzy, and Lady Sparkle Pants will be there. Oops, I mean Biana. It's nice to have someone I know this time. However, I'm still a little nervous about starting at a new school.

Entering the school, I am met with my counselor, and he leads me around the school. We also went over my schedule, and he showed me where my classes are located. Along the way I found an awesome new ditching spot. Figured I'd find a spot I can escape to, to be alone with my thoughts if I don't end up belonging in this school. A perfect place to be alone with my thoughts.

After touring the school, I walked back outside where Ro was waiting for me. "Hey, want to go get some ice cream?" Ro said, trying to cheer me up. "Sure, sounds good," I replied, feeling better about the whole thing. I love the idea of enjoying a cold, sugary treat with someone who appreciates me.

We go to our favorite ice cream place and choose our favorite flavors. Sitting in our favorite booth, I let go of my worries and focus on the positive aspects of life. 

Sophie's POV:  

"Good vibes that's what I like." As I made my way to lunch, I softly sang to myself, seeking solace in the music's uplifting melodies. I hoped that these good vibes would set the tone for a great day, although I couldn't be certain. Birthdays have always been a downer for me, so I made a conscious effort to fill myself with positivity, even if it felt forced. Sometimes, you just must do whatever it takes to make a miserable day slightly more bearable.

"No negativity in my life, I only want good vibes." Once again, I quietly sing another line. Personally, I don't believe I have the greatest singing voice, but Biana disagrees. According to her, my voice is the most beautiful thing she has ever heard. She often expresses her envy of my amazing vocal abilities. After stowing away my belongings in my locker and grabbing my lunch (since the school food is terrible), I locate my group of friends and join them. 

"Hey guys, how are your first few classes going?" I ask, trying to start a conversation. "Eh, it was alright. We mostly just took notes today," Linh says, sounding a little bored. I can't blame her, taking notes can be dull. "My day was decent. I just had some easy homework, so I'm not too worried about it," Biana adds, joining in. 

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Bi. I make an effort to stay positive, so I don't end up in a bad mood on B-days. Listening to my good vibe song. "I prefer A-days myself," I say. "I agree with you, Soph. I also prefer A-days," Dex admits. Glad someone is on the same page as me. Especially if it's my cousin. I like that we have similarities yet our differences. I love how nerdy Dex gets when he gets excited with technology type things. 

I've been thinking about the new student who will join us tomorrow. I hope he isn't too much like Fitz. He mentioned that they are best buds, but something felt off about it. It made me feel like he was saying they are friends, but not real friends. Nonetheless, I am excited about the new addition to our group. We will do our best to make him feel welcome into the group. 

Should be interesting. 


I got it written finally!! "A Match Made in Heaven" will either be updated tomorrow or Saturday. I am out of town, and I travel home on Friday, I will be too exhausted to write. 

Bear with me in updates and all that, I have a lot on my plate at the moment, with writing two fanfics and a one-shot book. 

"I tried to start a revolution but didn't print enough pamphlets. So hardly anyone turned up. Except for my mum and her boyfriend who I hate."  (Korg "Thor Ragnarok")

Keep Being Cool


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