-Giving Up on Her-

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Sophie's POV: 

I squeezed the pencil in my hand as I watched Caleb from across the room. He was hunched over his desk, scribbling notes furiously. His dark hair fell over his eyes, adding an air of mystery to his already intriguing persona. I couldn't deny the fact that I had always found him attractive, with his brooding eyes and quiet charm.

But was he my secret admirer?

As the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, I made a split-second decision. I needed to find out the truth. I gathered my books and hurried out of the classroom, keeping a safe distance behind Caleb. I followed him down the corridor, my heart pounding in my chest.

He turned a corner and slipped into the library. I hesitated for a moment before following him inside. The dimly lit room was quiet, with only a few students scattered around, lost in their books. Caleb was sitting at a corner table, his back towards me.

During lunch break, I finally mustered the courage to approach Caleb. As I walked towards his table, my heart raced with anticipation. "Hey, Caleb," I greeted him with a smile, trying to sound casual despite the butterflies in my stomach.

He looked up, a friendly grin on his face. "Hey, Sophie! What's up?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to broach the subject. "I, uh, noticed that paper you had this morning. It looked oddly familiar..."

Caleb's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly composed himself. "Oh, that? Yeah, it's just something I doodled on during class. Cool that you noticed, though."

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Was he just playing it cool, or was it truly nothing more than a doodle? I decided to push a little further. "It looked like the same paper my secret admirer uses to write me those letters," I admitted, hoping for a reaction.

Caleb chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Secret admirer, huh? Sounds intriguing. Whoever they are, they must really care about you to put in that effort."

His words only fueled my confusion. Was he being genuine or merely deflecting the suspicion? I couldn't quite read him, and it frustrated me. With a forced smile, I nodded. "Yeah, they do seem to put in a lot of effort..."

Caleb glanced at his watch suddenly, a subtle shift in his demeanor. "Hey, I gotta join my friends for lunch. Catch you later, Sophie."

As he hurriedly gathered his things and left, I was left standing there, my thoughts in turmoil. The mystery of my secret admirer had deepened, and now Caleb was at the center of it. Was he really the one behind the letters, or was it all just a coincidence? The unanswered questions swirled in my mind, leaving me both intrigued and frustrated.

Deep in thought, I make my way to our usual table where Biana, Keefe, and Dex are already seated, chatting animatedly. "Hey, guys, have you seen anyone else around?" I inquire, taking a seat at the empty spot.

Biana looks up, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Tam had to grab something from his locker, and Marella and Linh are getting lunch. Why, what's up?" she responds, catching on to my slightly distracted demeanor.

I couldn't shake off the niggling feeling that something was off. I leaned in closer to my friends, fidgeting with the edge of my lunch tray. "I saw something strange today," I began tentatively.

Biana raised an eyebrow, her gaze fixed on me. "What is it, Sophie? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I took a deep breath before launching into my story. "So, I spotted Caleb holding a piece of paper earlier, and it looked exactly like the one my secret admirer uses," I revealed, my heart racing with excitement.

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