-Her First Response-

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Sophie's POV: 

As I sat at my desk, I pondered how to thank my secret admirer. They truly deserve my gratitude for making me feel special. I want to express my appreciation for the thoughtful gifts and sweet letters that always brighten my day and fill my heart with joy. The messages were both sweet and puzzling, leaving me wondering who could possibly be behind them. I wanted to thank them for all the sweet letters and gifts. Even if it hasn't been that long.

So, I placed my pen down and started writing my thanks.

As I began to write, my mind raced with questions. Who was this person who seemed to know so much about me? Why were they keeping their identity hidden? The careful words flowed from my pen, expressing my curiosity and gratitude for the unexpected attention.

With a happy sigh, I signed my name. This experience has shown me that there is still kindness in the world and that there are people with warm hearts. After going through the Foster Care system and being placed with families that weren't always wonderful, I am now happy and content with where I am, and I am grateful for it.

I neatly fold the letter, slide it into an envelope, and seal it with a pretty heart sticker. I prefer using a sticker to seal it instead of licking it closed. I put it in my backpack, slide my backpack on my back, grab an easy breakfast, and head out to the bus.

Arriving at school, I walked down to the hallway down to my locker. Opening it I pull out me thank you letter and gently place it in my locker.

When I was walking to the library to meet with the rest of the group. My mind is preoccupied with the upcoming quiz. As I walked down the corridor, my heel clipped a loose tile, sending me hurtling towards the unforgiving ground. Just as I braced myself for impact, a pair of strong hands reached out and pulled me back, saving me from what would have been a painful fall.

I looked up, my eyes meeting the warm gaze of Caleb, a fellow student who I knew of but never really talked to before. He flashed me a friendly smile and helped me regain my balance. "You okay Sophie?" he asked gently. "Yes, Thanks Caleb." I say to him. He nods and heads off to his own locker.

I made my way to the library, where our friend group always gathered before school. As I stepped inside, my eyes immediately sought out Biana, who was already there, flipping through a book with a mischievous smile on her face. She was always the first one to arrive, her bubbly personality lighting up any room. I couldn't help but grin as I made my way over to her, plopping down in the seat next to her.

"Hey, Biana! What's up?" I greeted her, my curiosity piqued by the knowing glint in her eyes.

Biana turned to me, her expression playful. "Oh, just thinking about your mysterious Secret Admirer," she teased, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

I felt a flush of heat rise to my cheeks at the mention of my Secret Admirer. For weeks now, I had been receiving anonymous notes and small gifts, each one more thoughtful than the last. It was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking not knowing who was behind it all. And now, Biana seemed hell-bent on unraveling the mystery.

"Any new theories, Detective Biana?" I asked, unable to hide my amusement at her antics.

Biana leaned in conspiratorially, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Well, I've narrowed it down to three suspects: Ethan, Lucas, or..." she paused dramatically, "Caleb."

My eyes widened in surprise at the mention of Caleb's name. Could it really be him? He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, but I never would have guessed he might be my Secret Admirer. The thought sent a shiver of excitement down my spine, and I found myself stealing glances in his direction, trying to decipher his expression.

Her Secret AdmirerWhere stories live. Discover now