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I shoot the guy in front of me a look, even though he can't see it. Today we were naming different exclamation phrases from cartoons in my English class. I didn't know I would hear so many that would make my ears ache.

My gaze drifts to the solo window of the class, large and overlooking the boring landscape of Oared.

"Courtlynn, any?" the teacher calls out.

The classroom is small, and very high school, like the rest of my classes.


"Remember, this is a required course and my class is heavily based on group projects and participation."

This shit is stupid.

"What about, 'OMG'?" I suggest, trying to keep a pleasant expression on my weary face. Remember: if you look too aggressive or like you're in your own world mentally, you start to scare them.

My English teacher was White, blonde hair in two plaits, woman blazer on and a pencil skirt to match. Her eyes were a coal-y brown and she always had a little smirk on her face, maybe the reason why she only had smile lines on one side. I think she's in her mid forty's, nothing above that, but I heard some other students state that she was like thirty- something.

"Somebody already said that," she tapped her wooden pencil against her clipboard.

"'Oh my goodness'?" I then suggest.

"I'm starting to believe that you aren't paying attention in my class, Ms. Cerbey. That phrase has already been stated too." She then addresses the rest of the class, and I have a faint feeling that I won't be getting my participation for this assignment.

"I know many of us would rather be in beddd," she smiles sweetly as she says this, "Or at the party that ran into the morning associated with some frat," she waved her hand around, "Or going on your daily Starbucks run," she pretended to check her watch, "It is quite early in the morning, only eight something. But you paid to be here. Let's act like it people!"

My body's sore, and I wonder if anybody can see thehand prints on my neck that Ranger Guy left.

Was it odd that I really didn't mind them?

Her gaze shot back to me, and I realized that I had been fiddling with my collar. I let my hand drop so further attention wouldn't be called to it.

"Another phrase, Ms. Cerbey? Everyone else here has already given me two. It wouldn't be fair to let you off scot-free."

My sigh is inaudible, even to me, so maybe I just imagined that I did it. I tap my pen against my notebook, on an old note page for in here. "Uh, maybe 'Dang' or 'No way'?"

I can feel my classmate's bored stares on me. I'm not intimidated by them- only her. Something about this woman reminded me of my mother. Of the disappointment she probably would have in me during this time of my life. If we're talking disappointment even, maybe she really reminds me of my aunt.

"I'll take it," she shrugs, "See me after class though, Courtlynn."


I write down everything she says for the rest of class, fresh page in my notebook and everything, but as I'm rushing to get out and packing up my things, I still feel her heavy gaze on me.

I make my way to her desk, feeling like a kid all over again and less of an adult. Is there no part of my new life where I feel human and whole?

"You seem distracted."

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