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NJ's pushing ninety in his vehicle, me and M in the backseat as our heads remain on a swivel for any black sedans.

"And you don't know where his mansion is located?"

"He's probably moved everyone to another location by now. All I know is that it was really cold there."

"Likely at the most northern point of Texas," NJ supplied, then added, "I had an obsession with geology when I was five."

"And now Psychology," I say, looking over at him.

"Hm. Something like that," a look crossed over his face. "I realize what I forgot."

"We can't turn back now," M reminded him, nervously glancing back for the hundreth time in a row. "And we need to find weapons. Fast."

"We're in gun heaven here. It shouldn't be hard," I roll my eyes, remembering the culture shock of moving from Arizona to here.

"I know a place where we'll be fine. But only I can go in," M supplies, "I still think that we should go with my idea and hide out of the state."

"Regardless, my father will find us. Right now, it's all about prolonging it as much as we can," I sigh.

"We should switch cars at least. I'm sure he'll be running your plate through his connections," M mentioned.

"I agree," I sighed, "It's just not in my nature to steal-

"Then let one of us do it," M cut in.

"It won't be that easy," NJ commented, back speaking again apparently.

"And you have experience?" I eye him. He was all goody two shoes, as far as I knew.

"Dallas was rough," was the only thing NJ could say.

"Tell me about...your family," I ask hesistantly. I still hadn't told them the full scope of the things done between me and Dieson. I wasn't too sure that I would.

"We lived in Dallas all our life, minus me being born in New Jersey during the road trip thing," he waved that off having explained it before, "And we moved to Oared when Dieson began his club. I never asked much about it, and after he started to her successful, I saw less and less of him. Didn't even know the name of it, except that it was in Chiara, and I wasn't much of a party boy so I never took up his invitations to check the place out for free."

My heart started to hammer in my chest. Maybe this was a bad idea. My father had contacts within Dieson's club. I hadn't considered that. My eyes flash over to M besides me, listening to NJ's story too. I guess we should hide out of state like she suggested.

"My maternal mother, who is Dieson's step mom, had a club and she was retiring and it didn't really make much of a profit. It was on a small plot of land and gave off pretty lousy service. My full sister, Dieson's step sister, and myself never wanted the club because we didn't see any value in it. Plus, Dieson was older and whatever. He took the club and brought it from Dallas to Chiara. We all moved up there to support him and because rent was getting expensive in Dallas around my last year of high school. M helped Dieson with his club once I introduced them, and things went off from there."

"He went to Cerbey for more money. I don't know how they came to know each other. I just wish he hadn't went to your father. No offense, but owing that man is a death sentence," M shrugged. "I never talked to Dieson again, and honestly forgot about him and his club."

"And I never bothered to ask about it. He hadn't been spending time with the family for awhile anyways. My mom thought it was because he needed space from us. He would always tell me he felt like another child separate from our family. I don't know if it's because he's the only non-black one in the family, besides our dad and stuff. They're Mexican. If it's because we don't share the same mom. I just...he was always my big brother," NJ smiled a little, then it saddened, "And I've been missing him. And now knowing this."

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