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I decide that if I thought I could trust Dieson before, that I certainly can't now. I watch myself around him, feigning tiredness. Eventually, he decides to take a nap, and I dress to meet up with Ethayn an hour before our scheduled time, wishing there was an easier way to contact Ali.

I had no one I fully trusted to confide in. But why confide in someone when you could figure things out on your own? Needing someone for emotional support, despite all that I had been through wasn't my main concern right now- making my next decision was.

Should I tell Ali that Dieson might have plans to kill him? Or would it benefit me in the long run to keep my mouth shut? After all, if Dieson killed off the Cerbey line, that would free me too from the shackles of my family. The only problem is that killing the Cerbey family off might include me too, and now I wasn't so sure if Dieson viewed me as a threat or not.

If it was possible for me to take my father's throne.

I hesistantly look each way down the street, standing outside on the curb. Where was Ali? Shit, when was I going to get my phone back, or at least a new one?

Then his car purred down the street, and he casually let down the passenger window. "Need a ride, love?"

"How did you know I was outside?" my eyes narrowed.

"Don't worry about that, sister," he winked.

I got in, wondering if the estate was more surveillanced than Dieson and I thought. If that was the case, maybe Ali already knew about Dieson's plans. I try to read in his expression if he might, but his face is as easygoing as the face of someone just enjoying life. Then something inside me bitters. Ali only gains from all of this: he'll take over Father's business, he'll get whatever he plans to get from Dieson, and he gets to use me. Ali has nothing to lose, and maybe that makes him my biggest enemy overall.

"Take me to Ethayn's. I hope she's ready."

"Befriending Ethayn is a smart move. It'll help Dieson close his deal," Ali added.

"What if Dieson didn't have the best intentions towards our family?" I ask, my question vague. I was all for Dieson freeing me, but I also needed safe guards in place in case that also meant taking my life.

"What sort of intentions?" Ali's tone turns serious.

The man who I first met in the hospital comes back, someone devoid of emotion and trust. Someone perfect to run my father's crime empire.

"Maybe one's that place us all in danger," I answer just as vaguely. "I need to leave all this behind once Father knows whether Dieson is siphoning money from him or someone Dieson trusts is. I don't care if Dieson dies or not...well, maybe a little, but I want my old life back. Cutting out the club, of course, but-

"You want to go back to being friends with NJ Robinson and Mindy Dahle? One of them betrayed you, and the other is the brother of the man you've wanted to escape this whole time. The truth is, you won't have a normal to go back to."

"Then maybe I can make a 'normal' outside of Texas with my aunt. Far, far away from all of you," I snap, hating to be reminded that my life is hardly in my control anymore.

"You can't make normal, Courtlynn."

"Everybody seems to know better than I do about how I should live my own life," I cross my arms, "Why are you helping Dieson?"

"His club has value," he says, just as I knew he would, "and I have my other reasons." I sigh, realizing that he'll never share these 'mysterious reasons' with me, and lean back into my seat.

"Why not kill Father and take over his throne? What do you have to gain in waiting for him to retire from the business?"

Ali answers this easily, as if the question has already been placed in front of him before, or like he had turned it over in his head dozens of times. "I get to familiarize myself with the allies of the Cerbey family, know our own weaknesses and strengths, root our enemies, and watch how my Father leads by example so that I won't make his same mistakes."

Does that mean one day he'll grow to be a woman beater and a murderer? I don't ask this, but the thick silence that follows Ali's words speak volumes.

"I won't make his same mistakes, Courtlynn," he says, almost too quietly. "I can't afford to. I have a mother and a sister, and...even you, to take care of. I'll be the man of the house. I'll have to make the best decisions for us, I'll have to move forward with the lives of many people on my back."

"Has he made any mention of how you'll push the family forward?" I ask, blushing.

"What do you mean?"

"About how you'll keep the family name...movin' on, and...stuff."

"About having children," Ali lets out a long exhale. "I have spoken to him about it before. I personally don't want kids, but I know that the empire has to go on. It's still too new, and my father- our father, put his blood, sweat, and tears into it."


"I know it might seem like Amina and I haven't went through any struggle. Because we haven't gone hungry before, because our father has a bullet-proof roof over our heads. Because of many things. We live in luxury, I get that Courtlynn, but in all matters of life, humans have struggles," he explains, "I'm fit to take over his empire, but I know no hard struggle. No financial struggle." He glances over at me, "I need you, Courtlynn. Advise me. Stay with the family. Your aunt will be taken care of."

"I'm not a Cerbey," I shake my head. Even if Father built this empire for my mother and I, I didn't grow up into it and I won't change my life for the worst.

"But you are," Ali tells me, "Either you will be on my side, or the side of Dieson. Tell me what his plans are, Courtlynn."

Side with a man who wants to kill a family I don't know, and potentially myself too, or side with a man who has all the power and reach, and more cunning than our own father had.

"What if I don't need a side...brother?" I ask cautiously, "I'm not valuable at all to either you or Dieson."

"But you are. You could take the throne too, Court," Ali sizes me up. "You could take Dieson's willing heart, and have him do whatever you want to get back at those who hurt you. But you would never be able to lead. You don't know my world," his lips curve up into a smile, "And if you made a move for the business, I would have to kill you."

He only views you as a threat, Courtlynn, as a competitor, I tell myself.

"Then I guess I'll have to side with you then, right?"

Until I can cut everyone down.

My family and Dieson, included.

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