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Later on that day, I drive out to Chiara for what's hopefully my last time ever. I have my usual duffle and another one, both filled with stacks and stacks of money to pay off my debt.

The only thing that still binds me is the mask that sits on my face as I pull up into the lot. I walk into the building with a new confidence, but keeping a tight hold on my bag for any sticky fingers.

I pass up Babe in the halls, sending her a quick smile. I'll have to find her later to tell her the good news, she still doesn't know I'll be out of here soon.

New Mother gives me a long look, likely because I look too happy to be here, but then another girl comes along to steal her attention and I head for my locker. I prop it open, keeping my bags in front of me and at my feet. I start taking things down in it: my mirror, old clothes, random makeup utensils. I'll leave everything in a pile, hopefully the next girl will make good use of it.

I'm about to make my way to the Boss, dreading second that I'll have to spend with him, when my usual annoyance makes an appearance, surprisingly alone.

"What's in the bags, Bunnie?"  Vanilla gives one of them a kick. "You doin' some extra sets?"

"Why you in my business, Vanilla?" I snap.

"There's not clothes in there, is it?" her eyes narrow.

Before I can stop her, she bends down, unzipping the bag and letting a stack spill out. I scoop it up, thankful that no one else noticed.

"You think he'll just let you walk outta this place?" I could see her turning red, "Whoever gave you that money is still gonna want it back. You're just replacing one debt for another."

"I don't care," I shake my head, wondering why I even entertain this girl, "Anything's better than being here."

"I thought you'd loveee being the Boss's little whore? What changed? You used to crave attention as much as the next bitch," she shrugged.

"I grew up, Laya," I say lowly, "and maybe you should try that out."

She only laughed in my face, a drop of spit landing on my cheek. "Oh, if you think you've just grown sooo much, I'd love to see you tell me how." Vanilla walks off before I can do just that, her words sticking to me. I'm having boy troubles, how can I be all grown up? I wonder.

Everybody has boy troubles, Court, those don't stop, I then think.

I carry my bags tightly against me, trying to retrace my steps to Dieson's office. Eventually I make it there, two guards different than the ones there the other night. They fix me with hard glares, and the gruffer one asks what I'm doing up there.

I give him my name, hoping that Dieson had some sort of guest list or something, but the guy only laughs loud and real raspy.

The locks turn, and suddenly Dieson is in front of me, a girl on his arm with pink, swollen lips.

You bitch, I think angrily in my head.

Aloud I say, "Can I come in? Can we speak...in private?" I ask, giving the chick a dirty look.

Dieson sends the girl on, and we brush shoulders as I enter the office. He goes to sit on his desk, robe on, his lower half hanging out for the world to see as he manspreads. With his hands clasped, he stares at the two bags I drop before his feet.

"What changed?"

"I happened across some dough. This covers my debt." And just in time too. Now I won't have to worry about spending another night in a private room with you. My focus can be on NJ, and maybe my feelings will have an actual chance to grow stronger for him.

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