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"The food is lovely, Courtlynn," Harriet tells me approvingly as we dig in.

"Thank you, Ms. Harriet," I say back appropriately.

Ethayn watches me as I place the fork into my mouth. "So. Tell me about you and Dieson. How long have you two been together?"

Sounds like-

I calm myself. "A little while now," I tell her vaguely, shooting Dieson a quick glance. He stops digging into his pasta so viciously and instead, focuses in on the conversation. "Any plans of marriage?" Ethayn further inquires, looking between the two of us.

Dieson reddens, and I nearly choke.

"Oh, um, we're just," I start nodding, "taking it slowly," I laugh a little, "Y'know?"

"How are you liking the weather so far. It's almost winter here. I know how the American's are about the cold and all," Harriet and her share a laugh.

Well shit, if my nose was dripping, it'd probably turn into iciciles out here. "It's fine. It's a nice escape from the Texas heat," I add.

"Have you traveled before?" Harriet then inquires.

"Not really. This is my first time out of the country," I admit, "My family has some roots outside of the U.S., of course, but Texas and Arizona is all that I've ever called home."

Utensils scrape plates and food is shoveled into mouths. Suddenly I become aware that I'm the only Black person at the table. Dieson clears his throat, "Um, so, have you traveled before ladies?"

"Yes. Austria, New Zealand, Georgia," Ethayn listed off, "I've been to Paris more than once with a few fiancés," she adds, cheeks coloring, "Never quite worked out with them."

"All very egotistical men," Harriet states, then checks her watch. "Sorry, but duty calls me elsewhere. A problem down at one of Ethayn's properties."

"Alright," I stand up, giving Harriet a kind smile, "I can walk you out." We make it to the front door and her cheeriness seems to falter. "Is Dieson a good man, Courtlynn? Ethayn's still unsure about business with him. We haven't heard entirely good things about the man."

"He's a hard worker, and he just wants to help young girls be able to support themselves in a community that celebrates their bodies," I say, something I practiced in the mirror before they got here. I knew at one point or another, I'd be asked about his character. "And I'm not sayin' that as his secretary or even as his girlfriend. I mean it genuinely," I touch my heart.

Harriet seems pleased enough with my answer and goes on along her way. I lock the door, take a deep breath, and head back to the table. I keep my expression unreadable, although I still can't tell if Ethayn is trying to take my man that's not my man but is.

Dieson and her were laughing as I sat back down.

"Then I found my...community of people, and things have been better since then," she casually drinks her glass of water, a little smirk playing on her lips.

"A community?" I feign confusion, "A community for what?"

"I have several partners," Ethayn casually says, "I realized that all my previous engagements weren't working because I couldn't be satisfied by only one man." Ethayn studied me for a moment as I tried to discern what the best reaction to that could be.

"I feel like you wouldn't do so bad yourself with a few partners, Courtlynn. You're a very...very beautiful girl."

"Too bad I don't like to share, Ethayn," Dieson laughed just as casually, throwing an arm around my waist. "I'm a bit selfish."

"We call that being self-indulgent here," Ethayn teased, her green eyes twinkling.

"Just a fancier word for the same thing," Dieson chuckled, teasing right back. I tried not to let my expression sour at their easy banter. I wasn't on their level, and as broke and in debt Dieson was right now, he still had more money than me.

"Perhaps you wouldn't mind being a bit...selfless tonight. My partners and I are all hanging out over at my place, just a few kilometers away, and wouldn't mind more company. You're both invited," she adds, clapping her hands together.

I send Dieson a look that says 'Do not agree', but he does anyways. Once Ethayn is gone and with that, her noisy chatter, I swat him on his shoulder, surprised that I do it.

"Why would you agree?" I demand.

"Why wouldn't I? If I want to secure this deal for the club, I need to be as agreeable as possible with Ethayn and Harriet until we sign the papers," Dieson tells me, shooting me an irritated look.

"You do realize, she literally just implied that we join whatever her and her partners have goin' on, right?"

Dieson looks surprised by this, like he had missed that entire section of the conversation, then only shrugs.

"You just said you don't like to share, fool!" I hiss.

"You're not my girl anyways. I don't care what you do," he states. I blinked quickly, let out a long exhale, then went around him to go upstairs. He was right. What was I tripping for? But I didn't sign up to be his whore for the night. That was over with. I'm only playing secretary, and barely girlfriend.


I slam my bedroom door in his face.

"Ali's at the front door," Dieson tells me a moment later.

"Let him in," I sigh, still talking to the door. I don't open it until Ali lets two gentle fall on it.

"What's goin' on?" he immediately asks, seeing my expression.

"Dieson wants me to join some type of threesome or orgy, or whatever, so he can secure this deal."

"Didn't you do that sort of stuff before?" Ali blinks.

"Am I the only sane person here!" I scream. I fall backwards on my bed, not caring if my short, sweater dress slides up to my hips. Ali's eyes travel to wear the dress stops, then he looks away, folding his arms. I try not to think too much about it.

"It doesn't matter. I'm done with that life, remember? I paid off that debt," I explain, "I'm not doing that, Ali."

"Alright, alright. Just let Dieson go then."

"The girl was clearly into me," I roll my eyes.

"So what will you do? Stay home or go?" he asks.

And those were honestly my only two options.

"Maybe I can leave early. Say I got a cold. Not used to the Canadian chill," I give out a nervous laugh.

Ali only shrugs, clearly not helping me be delusional.

"If you think that they'll believe it."

I sigh, pulling down my dress and looking at Ali. "I guess I'll be going then." He only shrugs, agreeing, then leaving the room.

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