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It's November now. And we plan to ride out to the mansion this morning.

Dieson's awake, strapping a vest on as I tuck small weapons upon my body, both of us with all black attire on, in movable clothes.

"Today will be the day your father stands before the Lord, Courtlynn," Dieson declares. "And all the lives Jarvis Cerbey has taken- we avenge."

My stomach turns at a thought like that, but I remain silent. A heaviness sits on my chest, like whatever we do here today will affect more lives than just the three of our's. M's next door, getting ready too, having checked in with us around a few moments ago.

"I think in case we don't come outta this alive, we should do something special," Dieson turns to me, producing a small box.

"If I never get to say these words to you again, then they'll be said now: Courtlynn Cerbey...Courtlynn Wilson. Bunnie. Court. Whatever name resonates with your being." He pauses, dipping down to one knee and staring back up at me, his face containing more emotion than I've ever known it to have. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes," I fall to the floor with him, pulling him tight, as he wraps his arms around me. "'Til death do us part, my maiden," he whispers.

Pulling back, Dieson opens the box, revealing a diamond ring with two white orbs and a curvy band of silver or titanium. One purple gem, as small as a particle sits at the center of each diamond, likely homage to the color of my family. He takes it out carefully and slips the cold ring onto my finger, pressing his mouth to my hand before releasing it.

I grab his hand anyways, with the other holding the crook of his neck as our lips hungrily meet.

"We will survive this, Dieson. We will make it."

He sighs as I vow this, brushing his lips against my cheek. "We should commemorate this union then, before we ride off for our victory."

I laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck as he tosses the empty box to the floor. He pulls me up and carries me over to the motel bed.

"But we just got dressed, Dieson Pruitt, we're on a schedule," I remind him, my tone light, joking.

"I think you should be callin' me Dieson Cerbey from now on, right?" he winks. I frown, "I don't know, I kind of assumed I'd be takin' on your last name, Dies."

"Everyone expects me to take your last name because it holds more wealth."

"But is that what you want to do?" I sit up underneath him and he sighs, still tugging off his vest and black tee. "You aren't marrying me for my fortunes, are you? Because not long ago was I a broke stripper, Dieson. I thought you loved me at my lowest."

"I did, and I love you at your highest too. I'm not marryin' for money, but it just makes sense for me to take your last name. Everyone expects it. And yes, that's what I want."

I blink, not knowing how to feel. "It's just a last name, Courtlynn," he seemed to be begging, "Just let me have it. Regardless of the last name either of us take, I'd still be connected to the Cerbey family, so me wanting your last name doesn't mean I'm after your fortunes. I'll have access to it either way."

I frown; crossing my arms I say, "So why not let me have yours?" He takes a hand through his hair, clearly agitated, "Court, stop bein' difficult. Why do you want my last name so bad? It's almost like you're after it too. First NJ, now me." My eyes narrow and I look at him like he's crazy. "Your last name doesn't hold weight like mine does," I tell him.

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