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After the last bit of the brownies were devoured, and my eyelids were heavy with sleepiness, Ethayn announced that the real festivities would begin. The friends not participating left out, really only leaving herself, her partners, Dieson and me, and two other friends there.

Dieson seemed well acquainted with everyone except the two friends, and was easing out of the awkwardness we both held earlier upon our arrival. I stay off to the sides as Ethayn leads us out of the living room into the hall that separates the living room from her kitchen. We walk straight, some of the guys taking off their shirts and hooting, the alcohol hyping them up and making their bodies sweaty. I feel like I'm about to step out onto the court, or the field. It's game day, and my muscles might as well be charged and ready.

One large room sits at the end of the hall, bland and empty except for a bed. I stay towards the end of the group, leaning against one of the bedroom doors lining the hall. Dieson catches my eye and nods for me to continue walking. I do. We spill into the large room and clothes are thrown to the floor. Ethayn, with reddish eyes and something pinched between two fingers, gestures for me to come here.

I do so, Dieson's hand on my waist in warning as he climbs onto the large bed along with everyone else.

I'm shown a camera, and thankfully it isn't hard to work. I find a nice angle of the bed and sit on the ground, feet beneath me, since the camera did not have a stand. Ethayn is the last to join, and like she was a Start button, the bed erupts into chaos.

Fingers trace skin, lips meet lips, boxers are pulled down, and soft gasps are made. I keep my hands from shaking on the camera, not yet sure if anyone was going to make me join despite what Ethayn said still. I try to focus on what Dieson is doing, because despite things, seeing him grounds my mind in a way.

Pleasure fights pleasure as Dieson finds space amongst the huge bed and cups the shy girl's face from earlier. Her legs instinctively wrap around his toned waist, but he pushes them away, bringing his head down on her and holding her still by her hips. She doesn't shave, and her soft, pale-in-color hairs brush his face, as he sighs into her and his mouth begins to work. Evidently he hits all the right spots, as he licks her clean up and the shy girl isn't shy anymore as she begs for him to continue. Then the Black guy with the locs and piercing comes up behind Dieson, who still wears his pants, and begins to pull his boxers down.

Dieson either doesn't register this or doesn't care as the guy with the pierced lip slides himself into Dieson and he moans. The shy girl giggles, pushing Dieson's head up from her crotch and coaching him through the encounter. She lays both hands on Dieson's shoulders, telling him to take it gently as the guy with the piercing pumps himself into him.

Dieson's legs weaken and he crumbles like a cookie before the shy girl, his face pressed into the sheets where she had just laid. She holds his neck down, telling him to savor the scent. Then she pulls his head back up, allowing him to kiss along her skin.

The guy with the piercing finally abandons Dieson's asshole, complimenting him on his tightness and then going elsewhere. Dieson lazily pulls his pants back up with one hand, the other hidden by the arched knee of the shy girl as they both sit on their legs on the bed, his hand somewhere exploring her middle. I don't know how to feel, seeing Dieson in a state like that, and I find that I can hardly feel anything at all in the moment. Not quite numbness, but an absence of being here in the moment.

My eyes find Ethayn, legs open as two guys take turns nutting into her. The girl with the curly hair bends over Ethayn's face, from above her head and her breasts hang over the girl as she sucks on Ethayn's hard nipples. The camera remains steady but I take in the other coupled pairs as the orgy continues on. Once my view is back on Ethayn, I see her gathering all the girls around, and they come closer to the bed's headboard and lie with their legs open across the bed.

The men crawl their way to the women, getting themselves hard and standing and releasing upon the girls; some giggle, others moan in pleasure. The sheets are covered in bodily fluids, and everyone is slick with arousal and hard work. The night continues on until I wake up slumped on the floor, the camera still cupped in my hand.

I sit up quickly, a heavy sense of wrongness covering the room. I leave the camera on the carpeted floor, not sure if it was still on or not and not really caring honestly. One window resides to the left of me and sunlight streams in. The bed is filled with it's asleep participants of last night's ordeal. I find Dieson, shake him awake, and watch as he manages to pluck himself from underneath the arms of the White guy with poorly locked hair.

Dieson finds his shirt and we creep out of the house, finding Ali's car patiently sitting across the street. I get into the passenger seat, deciding that I don't even want my skin to touch Dieson's. Being there felt so wrong. I didn't want to do it again, and I wouldn't, even if it could help Dieson.

"How was last night?" Ali asked, tiredness in his crusted eyes and his raspy voice.

"It was alright," Dieson said casually and I remained silent. Ali took notice, glancing at me quickly and surveying my unrumpled attire, before saying nothing and turning on his car. "Let's go back home, love birds."

That phrase made my cheeks burn. Did the boys think my sullen mood came from jealousy? I didn't care who Dieson lay with. I'm sure he had done worse at his own club before. Shit, I have evidence that he has, just through Babe's situation alone.

"Me and Ethayn are supposed to be going to the mall at eight," I say into the silence. Ali turns up the radio to a low volume, his deep voice cracking at some points out of misuse as he went along with the song.

"I'm sure she'll be too sore to go now," Dieson says from the backseat, somebody at least responding to me.

"Hm," I only shrug.

"Did I do something wrong, Courtlynn?"

All of this is wrong. I should have just focused on what Father wanted me to. I frown. Now I'm beginning to sound like Ali.

"No. I'm just tired. Staying still all night wasn't very fun," I comment.

"Our stay here is almost over. Ethayn and I have known each other awhile before we decided to become business partners. At this point, I have no doubt that I'll close the deal. Club Chiara will have a larger income, I won't need to borrow money anymore, and this new location can bring wealth towards your father," Dieson stated, sounding very satisfied.

"But the new club still needs to be built," Ali stated, turning down the radio, "And customers have to be notified- advertisements of the club. No one up here is going to know what Club Chiara is. It'll just be a new club starting up. I project, without any hard numbers at all, that you'll finally begin to make an earning off of your expenses in the fifth quarter of your new club's opening."

"Basically," I turn around in my seat, looking at a defeated Dieson, "Ali's saying who is gonna keep you alive long enough so you'll have the chance to see this club have any success?"

"Your father will be paid back," Dieson tells me, then looks at the back of Ali's head, "His money will come when the new club comes."

"Tell him that, and he'll put a bullet right here for even...thinking...you could tell him something," Ali states, tapping his finger between his eyes.

"He isn't a patient man," I tell Dieson, still turned around to talk to him. "He wants his money now, and at this point, he might still kill you after you give him what you owe him."

"I need to make myself valuable in his eyes," Dieson says, the wheels already turning in his brain.

"What are you thinking?" I ask, studying him.

Dieson says nothing, only staring at me.

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