The Sting of Desperation Pt.2

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   Author's Note: Another short chapter here babes but don't worry, another one will be out soon and there is much that will unfold. You'll definitely want to stick around 🤫
Hopefully these chapters centering around the protagonist family history isn't boring or dull - Please let me know of any feedback you all may have <3


< Katrina's POV >

As soon as Logan alerted me of the news, I didn't even let him fully finish explaining to me what was going on. I had just started my workout but I immediately started heading back to the main building as fast as I could - she's really here. Part of me couldn't believe it, the other part of me wondered how she's here and why.

To say there was a flooding of emotions running through me would be an understatement.

I wasn't going to believe the news until I saw her for myself. Before our less than friendly meeting at the party, I hadn't seen her since we were separated - When she was 13 and I was 18. It's been so long, I don't know how she's going to react to seeing me. I'm sure she'll cuss me out and tell me this is all my fault....or the version of her that has been haunting my dreams for the last few years definitely has done as much. I still don't fully understand the visions I have of her, or why I see her the way I do in my nightmares.

"Laswell!?" I said as I entered the room - somewhat out of breath from running all the way here, my unit and the Task Force were there and the atmosphere felt tense.


"What's going on? Is she really here? Is it-.."

"See for yourself. If you can give me a positive ID that would be great." She told me as she put a hand on my shoulder as she gave me a warm smile - she tried to be comforting as she walked me over to the glass.

As I looked through the glass and into the small isolated room in which she was held. I held my breath anticipating that maybe they were wrong and it wasn't her, but it was.

Blond hair - almost platinum, dark roots. Her other features recognizable as well. It's her.

"It's her..." I said in a soft tone as I observed her through the glass.

"Are you sure?" Merrick asked me as he stood next to me. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She's all grown up. I knew as much when I saw her at the party but now, it's real....its really real, and she's right in-front of me.

"I've never been more positive about something in my life." I explained.

"That's good." Laswell said with a sigh before I turned to face her. "We've tried talking to her but she's resistant. I don't want to do any drastic measures of interrogation if I don't have to - I would rather she tell us outright where Makarov is." Laswell explained to me.

"Who is she to him?" I asked Laswell. Fear in the back of mind that she is associated with someone like him.

"She's his financier. We drained all of his accounts so his efforts may be held back for a bit, but it doesn't end there. We need his location, if you can get that out of her-.."

"Wait. You want me to interrogate my own sister?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow as I looked at her. Laswell seemingly growing impatient at my questions.

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