No Guarantees

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1:03 p.m.

"It's been six hours..." Logan expressed as he paced around the waiting room. The team had practically taken it over at this point, the hospital staff even brought in blankets and pillows for them at one point. "...what are they doing. They've told us close to nothing." Logan went on with a stressed tone of voice.

"I'm about to go back there myself." Keegan trailed off with pent up frustration.

"We all could go. They can't stop all of us." Neptune joked but they were serious.

"Logan—..can you stop, I swear you're making a rut in the floor with your pacing." Hesh sat up from the chairs he'd been lying across. Although, none of them had really slept.

"Shut up." Logan passed him by as he kept walking around.

"Okay well, you're stressing me the fuck out, just sit down—...

"Oh my god, fine. We've been sitting here for hours."

"Maybe no news is good news in this case?" Jade tried to reason.

"Not in this situation it's not." Logan responded.

"Shall we try Liliya again? Maybe they'll—.." Hesh started to say.

"We tried that. That nurse was like talking to a brick wall, trust me. They just don't want to tell us anything, not even's not fair." Liliya explained. She looked tired and her previously slicked back bun that Katrina had done for her was a mess now, her mascara was smudged and her eyes were red from crying.

"Something must've gone wrong." Simon said as he was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. He really hadn't looked or talked to anyone the whole time except when he'd periodically walk over to the station searching for answers.

"They would've said something—." Logan was quick to refute him when the door suddenly opened and they all got up as the doc walked in. Their first impression was that the man looked exhausted just by the look in his eyes.

"You're all here for Lieutenant Bourne?"

"Yes, sir." Keegan responded.

"Yeah—...we have been for six hours." Logan said with a sarcastic tone as he made prolonged eye contact with the doc who took clear offense at him.

"Logan." Hesh whispered to him with a glare across his face.

"What happened?" Simon asked.

"Yeah, is she...okay?" Liliya then walked a little closer to the group.

"Apologies for the wait, I can see that—."

"It's not the waiting that was the issue, doc. We were given no updates or information." Keegan spoke up.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. There was a good reason."

"Yeah? What?" Hesh questioned.

The doc proceeded to clear his throat as he looked down at the chart he had in his hands. "Since you're all here, I'll give you the run down."

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