The Sting of Desperation Pt.1

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Author's Note: Hello lovely's!
I'm leaving a quick note here to let y'all know that I am trying to keep up with updating this book as much as I can, but for the next two weeks, uploads may be slow because I have final's for school coming up.
I love you all and thanks for the continuous support! Stay safe!

<Hesh' POV >

"Let's go." I said towards the woman as I jumped out of the helicopter and offered to help her down.

"I can do it myself." She argued as she slung her legs over the side and hopped out. Keegan and I escorted her towards the main building as Laswell emerged from a side door with two other soldiers. Ghost, Soap, and Neptune followed behind us.

"Miss. Romanova. We've got a lot to talk about." Laswell said.

"You'll get nothing from me." She said in a thick raspy Russian accent.

"Hm. We'll see." Laswell said with a soft grin before she nodded at the two soldiers who came out with her.
"These two will take over." She said as the two soldiers took her and started to take her inside.

"This is illegal. You can't hold me here-.." She bargained as she tried to look back at us.

Laswell then turned back towards us.

"Did she give you anything?" Laswell asked us.

"Not in the slightest." Ghost told her.

"She was sedated most of the way over here until about ten minutes out. Started spewing a bunch of Russian insults and threats the rest of the way." Soap explained.

Laswell breathed a laugh. "Charming. I'm sure the insults won't stop anytime soon, not after we're done with her." She explained.

"Did you know that she's Katrina's sister?" I asked Laswell as she hesitated for a moment.

"Better yet - How did Shepherd not know? He sent the intel-..." Soap also questioned as we waited for Laswell's response. She was hesitant.

"Shepherd didn't do most of the digging, Graves did. I doubt Graves had any comprehension that Katrina had a sister, that would've been outside of his scope and obviously - Her sister is under a new alias." Laswell explained.

She's avoiding my question. I want to know if Laswell knew who we were going after and reluctantly didn't tell us beforehand. Why is she avoiding the question...

"What about legalities?" Ghost asked the important question.

"She's an accomplice. Our jurisdiction covers that, and she is outed as planner and coordinator of Makarov's escape so there are many reasons for us keeping her here." Laswel informed us.

"And when you're done with her....then what?" I asked.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Laswell finished before she walked away and went back inside.

"Does Katrina know?" Soap turned to me.

"No-...Not sure how to tell her either." I said.

"Well you'd better think of something fast cause that girl is gonna kill you if you don't tell her." Keegan told me, patting my shoulder before he walked away with Neptune as they headed inside.

"Do you think it's a good idea to tell her?" Ghost asked as we all three formed a circle as we talked.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Soap questioned, turning towards him.

"Because that will set her emotions through the roof. She's already got a war criminal for a father and her sister is not much better-...maybe even worse. I'd think about it if I were you. Romanova has valuable intel, if she sees her could cause her to lockdown and not talk with us, Laswell knows this much already." Ghost said as he looked between Soap and I.

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