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Katrina was upset although not voicing it. The man who did so much to her got nothing in return and he never would now. It's always the worst ones who escape any consequences for their actions.

The team was now in the meeting room and so was the Task Force including Laswell.

"Nolan was found dead this morning. A guard was sent into the holding room because the one on duty, wasn't answering his radio. He entered the holding room where he found one on duty personnel killed, lying on the floor with his gun next to him. His throat was slit..." Laswell explained as everyone stayed quiet, processing the information. No one was sad for him except for the guard who was killed, the boys were upset because now he wouldn't face charges for what he did to their teammate. The Task Force were annoyed because they still needed intel from him that's now been lost.

"The footage I'm going to show you is from inside the cell. It's graphic so turn away if you need to.." Laswell stated as she looked at Katrina specifically but she was speaking to everyone. But Katrina looked on as the footage began to play.

"The individual enters Nolan's cell around 2:46 A.M. and it appears they are trying to get information from the prisoner. Nolan is visibly uncomfortable as you can see so we think he most likely doesn't know who this is but we can't really be sure of that..."

"No audio?" Price questioned.

"They turned it off. Why they left the camera on we don't know but the security system was tampered with." Laswell shook her head.

"At 2:53 A.M. as you can see.." Laswell went on as the footage played and Nolan was then killed. Katrina breathed a sigh as she looked to the floor.

"..he was killed the same way the guard was. One slash to the throat. I also want to point out..." Laswell began as she slowed the footage as everyone watched on the cctv as the individual in question, frame by frame was starting to leave the room but there was a flash of hair that was compiled into a braid. The individual was wearing all black with a mask covering their face so identifying them would be difficult.

"..we think this person was female. Obviously by figure and by the braid she's wearing in the back." Laswell finished as the cctv footage was then shut off and she walked around the desk in the room as she leaned on the front edge of it.

"And no one saw anything?" Soap questioned.

"We've spoken with everyone on duty last night, no one saw anything. Except the poor soul this person murdered to get to Nolan." Laswell explained. She obviously was frustrated.

"I find that unlikely. No cameras picked up anything?" Gaz spoke up.

"Like I said, the security system was tampered with. Why they left the camera on in his cell is a good question." Laswell stated.

"It's like they wanted us to watch." Price asserted.

"It's like they're a ghost or something. They slipped in and back out without anyone even noticing. This base is high-level security, I don't know how they managed it." Laswell pondered before her eyes fell on Katrina. She could obviously tell Katrina was upset about everything but she had suspicions that she couldn't keep to herself. As much as she didn't want to considering the circumstances, she had to ask....

"Bourne, where were you last night?" Laswell asked as everyone turned their attention to Katrina as she looked up at Laswell.

"Why're you singling her out, Laswell." Merrick questioned.

"You've got to admit, this doesn't look good. And there's motive and opportunity here. Your unit possesses skills like the ones used last night to get to Nolan, that's not singling her out that is stating a fact." Laswell said defensively.

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