Tear Us Apart

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The helicopter blades created a low hum in the atmosphere, deafening the sound of silence as everyone remained shocked and silent on the way back to base.
No one had spoken a word.

Merricks body lay on the floor of the helicopter. An American flag draped over him in honor. At least one individual within the Ghost's would carry a rolled up flag incase a tragic death would arise or for another occasion, although it was always perceived that a death would never happen.
Over the years, that statement has been proven wrong.
No one is safe, not even the most elite of soldiers.
Not even from death.

"No one is safe." Katrina mumbled to herself in a hushed tone. She sat clutching a blanket around her shoulders, blood splatter still on her face, her tired and grief ridden eyes stayed fixated on the floor. She couldn't stand looking to her right where her commanders body lay. All she could think about was what this would mean for them as a unit, would they continue on or would they disband? Overall she had an empty feeling.

Everything felt surreal. They'd lost so many members over the years, many of which Katrina and even Hesh and Logan never had the pleasure of meeting. But those Katrina had known, she held them in the highest regard....Elias, Chris, and Riddian...all gone too soon. But they're still watching over us who remain, even in death.

It just felt like everything came crashing down at once. She couldn't even think about her sister, she felt so much hatred for her now. Katrina felt like an idiot for believing everything she said was true when it was far from it, she truly didn't think her little sister would be that cruel. What she did was on purpose, she couldn't get to me so she killed someone close to me. Why couldn't she have just aimed at me, I would have rather she did. I deserve it. No one else should've taken the pitfall for her and I's problems.

The helicopter soon landed and no one moved for a while. The silence was loud.

"Medics are coming." One of the pilots turned around in his seat as he informed them.

Soon enough the sliding doors to the helo opened and a medic poked his head in.

"What've we got?"

No one answered as the medic observed how frozen they all seemed.

"...one deceased. One needs medical attention." Keegan spoke up finally as he moved away from his seat and got out first. Neptune and Kick reluctantly getting out as well. Followed by Hesh, Logan, and Katrina as they all congregated outside the helo with the medics.

"How'd it happen?" One of the medics asked as Katrina turned to her left as she watched some more personnel walking over as they began to get Merricks body out of the helo. She forcefully averted her gaze. She couldn't stand it anymore, she wanted to be done. This was the last straw for her.

"Gunshot wound to the head." Keegan responded.

"Tragic that is, deepest condolences. I've heard a lot about you guys, you're all legends just so you know. Respect." The medic said before he walked away.

Hesh scoffed. "Legends. Fuck off with that-.."

"Hesh." Keegan glared at him.

"What, Keegan? Don't take that tone with me just because you're getting promoted now." Hesh said with an agitated tone.

"Are you fucking serious?" Keegan got up in his face.

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