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Author's Note: Once again loves, this chapter has some dark themes so please take care and use discretion.

The plane landed and parked and Nolan was escorted off the plane by Price and Ghost as they walked him across the tarmac to where Laswell was quickly approaching them.

"You comin' ?" Hesh asked as he walked past Katrina who still sat in the plane. Her arms resting on her knees and her hands clasped together as she kept her eyes to the floor.

"You go ahead." She muttered, not looking up at him.

Hesh stayed silent for a minute as he looked at her. It's like she'd seen hell or something.

He gripped the strap of his gun that was over his shoulder as he hesitantly left her and walked down the bridge of the plane and out into the open air of the tarmac. He stopped once he reached the bottom and looked back at her, she wasn't moving at all. As much as he wanted to help her, this time....he really didn't know how to.

"Hey brotha, who did we get?" Logan questioned as the group of men walked up to Hesh. Seemingly out of nowhere. Logan giving his older brother a pat on the shoulder, but taking in the disturbing expression on his older brother's face. He looked sullen.

"You look like you lost a bet man, what happened?" Kick breathed a laugh.

"Where's K at?" Neptune questioned. Hesh turned and pointed up into the plane where Katrina still sat.

"Did you piss her off again?" Keegan questioned. Hesh shook his head no, the men finding it strange how he wasn't even elaborating on anything.

"No-...that's not it." Hesh stated.

"So what then? You're being very vague Hesh." Logan breathed a laugh.

"And who's that?" Keegan asked pointing over to where Price, Ghost, Laswell, and the prisoner as well some armed military police stood as they were preparing to take the prisoner inside. They were putting shackles and cuffs on the man.

"You guys don't know?" Hesh asked.

"Why the hell would we know? We weren't in the room with Laswell and Merrick while they surveyed you guys.." Logan said, starting to get irritated at his brother's lack of elaboration.

"You act like you don't want to tell us-..." Kick began to speak but Hesh interrupted him.

"Andrei Nolan." He finally stated. Hesh breathing a frustrated sigh.

The boys all turned and looked at the man in question who stood a couple yards away. All of them feeling a flash of irritation and hatred towards the man they knew inflicted harm on their teammate. On their sister.

"You've gotta be shitting me." Logan pondered as sudden anger pricked away at him as kept his sight on Nolan. All of them just stared a hole through him even as the military police started taking him away to the compound.

"I wish I was. For her sake." Hesh said. His arms folded over his chest. He briefly looked back at Katrina and she still sat in the same spot on the plane, he could see she was also looking across the way as Nolan was being taken away.

"You know...what if I just-..." Kick pulled his pistol from his holster as he jokingly raised it in the direction of where Nolan was being escorted.
"Pew..." He joked as he imitated a recoil effect from the pistol.

"Yeah, only I wouldn't be acting it out, I'd do it for real." Keegan said in a serious tone.

"That we all agree on, except I'd be doing more than that to him. Fucker is getting off easy." Logan stated.

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