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"Alright your blood work looks good, no injuries other than the ones on your arms and a few cuts on your face and a few bruises here and there, but you look good. Any questions?" The doc said as I sat on a table in a small exam room. We'd just gotten back to base about 30 minutes ago and all the injured were getting checked out. I hadn't seen Ghost since the wreckage site when they loaded him on the heli.

"No sir. Can I ask about the lieutenant? Is he..?"

"I can't really disclose that information. He's stable is all you need to know for now." He said a little dismissively.

"Stable? I thought he was fine? It kinda sounds like there's something else?" I asked as my eyes went wide.

"He is. But he needs blood transfusion...I really shouldn't disclose this to you though. But we can't find a match or even a volunteer, he lost quite a lot of blood from his external injuries so if he doesn't get the could go south pretty quickly. Again- I shouldn't be saying this to you...but seeing as he was your teammate it's a little bit of a loophole but still-...keeps this close to your vest." He said as he started to leave the room but I got up quickly from the table to stop him. I've gotta at least try...

"Wait-..." I said hopping off the table as the doc turned around. He was already half out of the room and in the hallway.

"What if I did it?" I said looking at him as he pondered for a moment.

"We'd have to see if you're match first-.."

"Then let's do it." I said firmly.

The doc looked at me for a second then motion for me to walk with him. "Come with me."

We soon walked into a waiting room where there was Captain Price, Gaz, and Soap sitting, across from where they were sitting was a glass pane and behind it I could see Simon was laying on a bed, wires strung all over.

"Kid what are you doing in here?" The captain asked as he stood up and walked over.

"Well the doc said Ghost needs blood?"

"Yeah. None of us are a match unfortunately.." Soap piped up.

"Wait-...does that mean?" The captain looked at me for a moment as he realized.

"I'm not sure if I'm a match but I'll give it a go."
I smiled.

"You don't-..have to do that. Are you sure?" The captain put a hand on my shoulder as he looked at me.

"Let's just see if I'm a match first, sir." I smiled optimistically.

"Alright the nurse is ready for you, we'll see if you're a match and I hope to god you are." The doc came over.

"Good luck." Gaz encouraged as I headed off with the doc.

"Alright hun, this might sting a bit..." The nurse said as she inserted the needle into my arm, I was indeed a match so she was getting me prepped. Simon was lying next to me on a separate bed, he was still out of it so he didn't know it was me sitting there. "..You also may experience a little drowsiness as well, but there's no need for concern, this is a completely safe procedure." She assured me with a hint of a southern accent.

"o-okay..." I said as she finished with the needle and walked over to the computer typing something in.

"How long will this take?" I asked her as she turned around and walked over to me.

" could take about an hour, maybe more just depends. Are you comfortable?"

"Yes, thank you." I gave her a soft smile.

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