Katrina (Part 67)

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- Katrina's Point of View -

After talking with Logan, I went back to the room to grab my pistol from beneath my pillow and the holster that laid on the table next to my bed. We were required to carry our sidearms at all times when on base just for personal protection and for security of course. I quickly changed into some casual clothes, a pair of black north face pants, a black long-sleeved top, and my boots. I put my black performance mask on instead of my regular mask, call me paranoid but I'll have a better chance at not being recognized by Shepherd if I'm not wearing my regular uniform and mask. I also wore my tan colored ball cap that is very much worn and torn from exposure.
Once I was changed, I placed my hip holster around my upper right thigh and secured my pistol inside.

I took a passing look at my bed as I headed for the door, wishing I could just lay back down and rest but I need to get my wound checked out. If it really is infected then I'm going to be recovering for longer than originally anticipated.

No one to blame but yourself for that one. Should've cleaned and maintained it better, dummy, I scolded myself. Truth be told, it was hard enough just trying to sit upright in bed for the first few days after I was released from the hospital, let alone change the bandaging, clean it, and redress it. Jade was willing enough to help me with some of the things I couldn't do by myself. It's been nice having another girl on the team for many reasons. It's been weird though, she really doesn't talk much about herself. She
keeps to herself for the most part, considering she's new that's kind of normal. It's just been a lot to get use to.


"Lieutenant," Dr. Warren acknowledged as he entered the small room where Katrina waited on a small examination table, "Didn't expect you back so soon considering you fought so hard to get released much earlier than I would have preferred," He explained as he checked the computer next to the table. As he did so, Katrina took off her hat and mask and laid them in her lap.

"I'll be your VIP patient," She presented a pleasant smile.

"Well," He sighed, pulling up a chair next to the exam table as he plopped down and looked up at her, "We'll see about that, you won't be a VIP patient if you don't take care of yourself and keep on the right track for recovery," He folded his arms over his chest.

"I thought I was," She stated, a frown briefly flashing across her face.

"So, why are you back before your scheduled check up, Lieutenant," He raised an eyebrow, his tone not lacking in intense confrontation, "If you're going to tell me you're in pain, I'm not going to be surprised. You were the one who fought with us on the medication."

I feel like I'm being interrogated, christ.

"I'm taking what you prescribed for my head injury. The pain medication worries me because it makes me drowsy and I can't function," She reasoned, "That's why I'm refusing to take it."

"You can't function in severe pain either," He huffed, "Before I get into all of that, why are you here right now? Is it the pain or something else?"

"Pain is a factor but, I talked to the medic in my unit and he thinks my wound is infected, said I should come and get checked," She explained. He didn't seem the least bit surprised, more like he expected this to happen.

"Let's see it then," He stated, standing up and walking over to her as she lifted up her shirt just enough for him to start peeling away the bandaging.

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