Hesitation & Trust

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Within seconds, I was luckily able to locate Mili through the large crowd—and I didn't even hesitate to follow behind her.

I managed to follow her all the way up to the third floor, which was slightly empty, but there were still a few groups of people up here.

Mili suddenly walked out onto one of the empty balconies, but not before she turned her head slightly to motion me to follow her out—clearly aware that I had followed her.

And I didn't even hesitate to walk out there with her, firmly shutting the door behind us as Mili leaned against the balcony with her arms crossed over her chest.

She looked mad—and I mean genuinely mad.

Typically, it's never visible on her, but with her furrowed brows and clenched jaw, it was painfully obvious that she wasn't the happiest right now.

"Are you kidding me right now?" was the first thing that Mili managed to say.

And even by her lowered tone, it was clear that she was really trying to keep it together.

I gave her a narrowed look, "Really? You're going to ask me that after you just linked with your ex without telling me or answering any of my texts?" I said, feeling as if this was all a little unfair.

Mili laughed to herself, but it was far from genuine.

It kind of seemed like she only laughed to help force herself to calm down.

"You don't trust me," she suddenly said.

I couldn't help but scoff, "I don't trust you? You're mad that I was out on the balcony with Cam," I pointed out.

Mili's jaw managed to grow even tighter, "I don't care about you being around her, Atiana," she pointed out, taking in a deep breath before she said, "It's the fact that you hesitated—that she asked you to go there and you hesitated."

I blinked a few times, realizing that she had made a good point.

I did hesitate when I shouldn't have.

But all I could seem to say was, "I didn't see you hesitating to link up with Alyssa."

And just like that, Mili was looking away from me, but not in shame—more like she just couldn't stand to look at me right now.

And the action alone made me want to cry.

"I was linking up with her to tie up loose ends," Mili explained before she suddenly looked at me and said, "I was going to officially ask you to be my girlfriend."

And just like that, my anger dissolved into even more confusion.

"What?" I forced out, clearly taken aback by the new information.

Mili hummed tightly, "It was supposed to be a surprise, which is why I didn't want you to know—I mean, Mya only knew because she wouldn't stop blowing up my phone to see where I was," she said, but I could only feel myself grow even more speechless.

Mili was going to ask me to be her girlfriend.

She was having a closure talk with Alyssa.

"I was going to tell you after the fact, but I just wanted everything to be good enough for you. I didn't want Alyssa trying to come back around," Mili suddenly said, and I couldn't help but reach out for her—suddenly hating that I assumed the worst.

Mili suddenly leaned away from my touch, which easily made my brows furrow.

"Clearly, this was all a huge miscommunication," I said, knowing that this could've been avoided with a simple conversation.

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