Yelling & Hot Chocolate

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"Oh my god, Ana—are you okay?" Mya called out as I slowly sat up from the cold snowy ground.

I nodded a few times, even if my head was practically pounding—and my body felt like it was buzzing with pain.

"Totally okay," I forced out as I stumbled up to my feet.

Mya practically ran to take my side, "We were stupid, this was so fucking stupid—do you need to go to the hospital? What hurts?" she questioned frantically.

"I'm okay—I think I just need to lay down for a moment," I assured her.

Willow shook her head, "See, I knew it was reckless," she pointed out.

Damon shook his head, "Okay miss law major—don't bring out Judge Judy on us."

Arielle muffled her laughter with her hand, "Babe it wouldn't be judge Judy if she's a lawyer," she corrected him, and I couldn't help but laugh slightly.

Which easily caused everyone else to laugh along with me—until suddenly we were all breaking out into a full-on laughing fit.

"You guys are really stupid," I said as I let out one last laugh.

Mya shook her head as her laughter died down, "I think we concluded that from the start—" she suddenly analyzed my face, "—You look a little red, maybe we should head back."

"You think?" Willow retorted.

Cam only shook her head with another laugh, "I swear I was blessed into the best friend group ever."

"Yeah, no one will ever compare to us," Frankie laughed out.

"So true," Marco said, which easily earned nods and more laughs from all of us as we headed back toward the house.

And as soon as I made it into the toasty warm cabin, I let out a deep relieved breath.

The warm air alone was enough to send goosebumps down my cold aching body.

My brows suddenly furrowed when I smelt a whiff of something sweet.

"Guys..." Ryder trailed off in excitement, "Mili's making her famous hot chocolate," he suddenly said as we all walked further into the house.

And just as Ryder had predicted, Mili was standing over by the stove in black joggers and a white tee with her curly hair pulled up into a bun.

Something warm shot through my body at the sight of her—or maybe it was just her presence.

She just felt so familiar—all I wanted to do was hug her, especially after practically tumbling down a tall hill.

Mili turned around "Finally—" she suddenly cut herself short when she caught a glimpse of us all, well except for me, "Damn what kind of sledding did you guys do?"

Willow shook her head as she grabbed us all mugs for the homemade hot chocolate, "More like sledding that your sister and Damon conned us into—they had us all on one sled going down a big ass hill," she said, shaking her head to herself.

Mili suddenly crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned back against the counter, "What?" she questioned, clearly wanting to hear more details.

Willow let out a sigh as she placed the last mug down, "Yeah, poor Ana—she fell off halfway through and hit a tree."

And just like that, Mili leaned away from the counter, suddenly standing up fully.

A part of me wanted to assume it was because I had been mentioned, but the other part knew that the assumption was a little self-centered.

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