Breakfast For Dinner & Quiet Houses

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Safe to say that I've looped what Mili had said in that Louis Vuitton store over a thousand times in my head.

I managed to loop everything from the beginning to the end—practically picking apart every piece.

I swear I was actually about to go insane, especially since my thoughts were analyzing every detail and coming to my own assumptions.

As soon as we entered the warm house, I could pinpoint the smell of breakfast—which easily managed to make my mouth water.

A long evening of shopping will do it to you.

Everyone else seemed to notice the smell too—easily rushing further into the warm house with our empty stomachs practically growling.

Within seconds, all of our shopping bags were sat by the stairs—and we were walking into the kitchen where Akeyla and Terrance sat at the large kitchen island and Mili stood over the stove.

I oddly felt excited to know that she was cooking—it really was a hidden talent of hers.

"Welcome back—how was shopping?" Akeyla questioned as we all walked further into the kitchen.

Mya hesitantly looked over to Mili who was facing the stove, "It was good..." she trailed off, clearly confused by Mili cooking, "What are you making over there?" she suddenly asked Mili.

Mya and Mili still didn't get to have their talk, which explains why Mya is confused that Mili is even cooking for us right now.

"Your favorite—blueberry pancakes," Mili said as she turned around from the stove, and I couldn't miss how all of our friends nodded and whispered in excitement.

I swear I could have ten plates of those pancakes right now.

From the blueberry topping to the warm maple syrup—I could legit put myself in a food coma right now.

Mya blinked a few times, "You're not mad anymore?" she questioned as Arielle and Damon grabbed the plates, Cam and Ryder grabbed some silverware, Willow and Marco grabbed the cups, and Frankie grabbed the pitchers of orange juice.

I suddenly walked over to get the napkins, realizing I wasn't really contributing to help set the table.

Mili suddenly walked over to Mya, "No, I'm not mad anymore," she said, pulling Mya into a hug, "I'm sorry for going off like that."

Mya hugged her back, "It's okay, I'm sorry too," she said.

And I couldn't help but smile as I took in the sight of them hugging.

It was something they both needed after that insane fight.

"Just no more impulsive decisions," Mili carefully clarified.

Mya didn't hesitate to nod as they pulled back from the hug, "Never again," she said, clearly thankful to be on Mili's good side.

It was a side everyone wanted to be on.

Even me.

Akeyla suddenly stood from the kitchen island with a smile, "Look at my girls," she gushed as she walked over and pulled them both into a hug.

"So grown up," Terrance said as he suddenly stood from his chair to join their group hug.

And I couldn't help but smile even wider at the close-knit family—it was enough to make me miss my own.

After a few beats, they were all pulling away, causing Mili to start transferring the plates of food over to the table that was now set.

Soon we were all gathered at the long table with filled plates and smiles—laughing over the day as we all dug into the warm food.

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