Part 21

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"What do you mean by what you said earlier?" Alec asked softly. No accusatory tone, no sarcasm in that voice, just pure curiosity.

"I dont think this is the time or the place to talk about that, Alexander." After a decade, Magnus called the man, he is in love with by his full name, and that clearly sent shivers down both of their bodies.

"Then when are we supposed to?"

"There is nothing to talk about, Alexander." Magnus sounded a bit stern this time. As much as he wanted to stay wrapped in Alecs warm arms, Magnus was not a man who would break a couple just because of his anger. Just the thought itself made him feel sick. So, Magnus put his hand on Alec's arms that still wrapped around his waist and pushed those arms away. Alec resisted a bit, but then, he let go of Magnus. The second Magnus was released, and he stepped away from Alec. Almost as to get away from Alecs body warmth and his scent. Magnus knew if he spent anytime too closely to Alec, he knew he would lose all his resistance and try and do something he would regret till the end of the time. Magnus turned around and quickly cut the cheesecake into pieces and grabbed the plates. He felt Alecs eyes on him during the whole time.

"Can you bring the gelato, please?" Magnus tried to leave, but Alecs voice made him stop.

"Magnus.. we need to talk." Alec took a deep breath in.

"We need to talk. We spent so many years acting like everything was okay, but you know that is not the case. I know I was stupid, and I feel as if I have been lied to, and I was blind to many things in the past few years. Please give us a chance and talk to me. I need to know what happened. I need to know where we went wrong."

"Alec.. there is no us anymore. You are a man in a committed relationship, and we are just two people who knew each other when we were younger."Magnus felt sick in his mouth as he spoke. Liar! His mind screamed. Alec is not just someone. Alec used to be his love, and only Magnus and his heart knew how he had not gotten over Alec.

"Are we going to throw away everything we had? Our friendship, our relationship? Everything, just like that?"Alec stepped close to Magnus, who was still facing away from Alec.

"We may not talk now. We may hold grudges, but to me, you are still my first love, and you are still my princess, I fell in love with."

"Alec!" Magnus really tried to sound stern, but who was he kidding. Even he winced at the shudder in his own voice.  God, the nickname. His nickname that only Alec had permission to call him by. Their sacred nickname holds more than 20 years of memories. It made walls around Magnuss emotions crashing down before Magnus could react.

"I.." Magnus tried to protest, but a giggle sound came from near the kitchen, making Magnus stop talking and make him take a step away from Alec.

"Are you two making gelato from scratch?" Izzy came to the kitchen.

"I had to do everything because someone spent good 10 minutes looking for gelato." Magnus pointed at Alec with his head. Izzy frowned for a second as she tried to understand what had just happened. Magnus made a joke about Alec, and Magnus had his beautiful smile on his face, and a second later, Izzy mirrored his smile. Izzy almost seemed as if she was proud of Magnus.

"I have been telling this for years. no one listens to me. He is useless." Izzy replied.

"Hey!" Alec pouted, but soon he was smiling at Izzy and Magnus.

"I got the cheesecake. Can you two bring the gelato then?" Magnus asked from the lightwood duo as he left the kitchen.

"Yeah, sure." Both replied.

Izzy observed Magnus moving away from the kitchen. When she was sure Magnus was far enough, she stopped her brother by holding into his arm.

"What just happened?" Izzy asked as she looked directly into Alec's eyes.

"Don't try to weasel out of the question, Alec." Izzy warned even before Alec was about to say nothing. Alec sighed. Izzy always read him like an open book.

"We are going to talk."

"After all those years?" Izzy raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, after all those years."

"Is there a reason why?" Izzy asked,

"I.. I have doubts. I have doubts about what I was told, and I have doubts about what Magnus was told."


"By James."

The rest of the evening went quietly. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, and Maryse seemed so happy to have her family and friends over. Around 11 p.m. Magnus decided to call it a night. He would have loved to stay longer, but he and Imasu both needed to be in the office early in the morning for a meeting, and he did not want Imasu to be tired because of his selfishness. After saying goodbyes and promising everyone that Magnus will definitely bring Imasu to the next event as well, both left the Lightwood house.


"Thank you so much for today." Magnus drove Imasu back to his apartment, and before Imasu got off from the car, Magnus had to thank Imasu for being a great plus one for that evening.

"No problem at all, Magnus. I enjoyed that evening very much. All of them were lovely."

"They are, aren't they?" Magnus smiled.

"I will see you tomorrow then, Sir." Imasu smiled.

"Back to Sir? Come on, stop with the formalities." Magnus complained with a pout on his face. Imasu started laughing instead of replying.

"I kept my word; I called you Magnus throughout the dinner."

"How can I get you to keep on calling me Magnus instead of sir, then?"

Imasu blinked a couple of times, and it was clear he was in deep thought.
"Go out with me for a coffee? Imasu finally asked."

Magnus did not expect Imasu to be that forward. He needed a second to compose himself.

"Sure, sounds good. Then after that you are going to call me Magnus anymore, deal?" Magnus smiled fondly at Imasu.

"Deal." Imasu smiled back.

Once Magnus dropped Imasu off at Imasus place, he went to his apartment and poured himself a scotch. It is normally his heartache drink, but he today he is drinking scotch for a different reason. The whole afternoon has been a bit of a whirlwind for him. Conversation with Alec, the upcoming date with Imasu. Magnus was not sure what to expect, so he needed something to burn away all the complicated emotions he was feeling.

Magnus poured himself a drink and sat down on his couch and sighed. He had his favourite album playing in the background, and the dim lights in the room made it feel cosy and calm, but his heart was anything but calm. He had so many things to think about, and he knew if he started thinking about it, he was just going to get emotional. He didn't want to think what happened in the past because it's in the past, but then again, Alec is someone more than just someone from the past.

Magnus just leaned into the chair and looked up as he remembered how Alec was looking at him throughout the party. Magnus could see Alec wanted talk, so much but with James around, Magnus was not going to risk anything.

Magnus felt a buzz in his pocket when he was about to get up from the couch. Magnus took his phone out from his pocket and checked. It's rare for him to get a message on his personal mobile. Because anyone who is not close to only had his business number.

Magnus felt like he needed 10 more drinks when he read the recipients name. Alexander Magnus was not sure if he should open the message or not.

Fuck it. Magnus opened the message.

'It's me, Alec. Can we talk?' Magnus closed the app and took a deep breath.

"This is way too soon." Magnus said to himself. Magnus was about to put his phone back in his pocket when it started ringing.

Shit Magnus cursed as the ringing tone actually made him jumpy.

"Argh, fucking receipts." Magnus groaned. Of course, Alec has seen that Magnus read the message. Before he could change his mind, Magnus answered the call.

'It's now or never.' Magnus reminded himself.


"Magnus, it's Alexander."

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