Entertainment (Multiverse Of Exe's)

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Story: Multiverse of Exe's

Pairing: Surge x EXE

Pairing: Surge x EXE

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Surge, Kitsunami, and EXE were watching a movie in their shared bedroom. They all lived together in a house in the mountains.

"Mobian entertainment is so weird," EXE said.

"Oh? So what do exes like yourself do for entertainment? Sing against blue-haired midgets?" Surge asked sarcastically.

"Most kill for fun. But these... movies, I don't get."

"What's not to get?" Kitsunami asked.

"From what I understand, actors are given scripts to perform unrealistic scenarios to entertain an audience, right?"

"Correct," Kitsunami and Surge said simultaneously.

"Sonic, a hedgehog who can move at the speed of sound exists. He fights a mad doctor who can build world-destroying technology every other day. And I'm not even gonna get into exes like myself."

"And?" Surge said.

"If you were to turn everything we went through into a movie, what would be more entertaining? Our real adventures, or this fake one about some guy driving without ever stopping for gas?"

"I think I'm starting to see your point. You're saying our adventures are not only real but would be more entertaining to an audience if it were a movie instead of some made-up story?" Kitsunami asked.

EXE nodded.

"Honestly, I kinda agree. But I'd rather not be famous."

"I think you'd like documentaries," Surge said.

Kitsunami blinked. "Speaking of documentaries, I gotta go... uh, document some snacks and buy them. Yeah, I'm sticking with that. I'll be right back."

He zipped out of the room.

"That joke sucked!" Surge shouted.

Kitsunami returned and replied, "Just because you said that, I won't pick anything up for you. I'll get you a mountain of salami though, EXE."

"Thank you,"

He zipped away again.

"Drippy's on my hit list now."

"I'd rather you not hit each other. I don't think couples do that." EXE said.

"You're adorable. You know that, EXE?" Surge said, shutting off the movie. "By the way, if movies aren't your thing, there are other forms of entertainment."

"Like what?" Surge, to his confusion, gets on his lap. She coiled her powerful tree trunk thighs around EXE's waist.

"A little Mobian Mating. If you're up for it, of course." She lets her hair down.

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