Succubus Part 1 (Ice Man?)

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Pairing: Ui Ui x Samsara


This was spectacular. The one responsible for making Momo the way she was was passed out on her bed. Her true love. Momo loved Ui Ui obsessively, but with Samsara, it was that times a thousand.

'He looks so scrumptious and vulnerable in that state! I'd love to eat him up, but he's injured. Kenjaku or Sukuna or both undoubtedly caused that. What putrid little souls.'

"Momo," Ui Ui spoke up. "What can we do to help him? Every hospital in the country is shut down because of the horrendous blizzard, and we don't have any medical stuff in here."

"Good question, obvious answer. We'll warm him up and go from there. Now get naked, baby." Momo answered.

They removed their clothes and snuggled on Samsara's body, sharing their warmth with him. He himself was surprised at how normal this seemed to him.

"Sheesh, he's cold. I think any other human, even some other jujutsu sorcerers, would've died already." Ui Ui said. His heart pounded and he sweats a little as his cock hardened and pressed against Samsara's leg.

"I-I think this is wrong, Momo. Sure, he smells surprisingly nice, and his body is sculpted like a god's... and hugging his muscles is making me harder than I ever have been... a-anyway, this is wrong! We can't be touching him like this without him knowing!"

"What? C'mon, Ui. We kissed him while he was in that shell a while back, and nothing bad came of it. Besides, who wouldn't want a curvaceous woman and an effeminate man with a huge, juicy ass lovingly touch on them? We'll be fine." Momo said nonchalantly. "But I do wish I could do more for him. None of us have RCT, so-"

She suddenly stopped. Why didn't she ever try learning RCT? She managed to pick up Black Flash and use it several times. That, and simple domain. She was a pretty quick learner, so using RCT should be easy.

"Actually, this could be a learning experience." Momo said. "Shoko, Yuta, and Gojo can do it, so I can too."

"Are you sure?" Ui Ui asked as Momo placed her hand on Samsara's chest. "I don't think it'll be that easy, but I won't discourage you."

Momo thinks vividly on the times Shoko and Yuta used RCT to heal the others and tried to mimick their methods. Positive cursed energy. Two negatives make a positive. Momo slams her cursed energy onto itself and projects it on Samsara.

In a surprisingly quick manner, it works. Momo has successfully learned RCT and healed Samsara of his wounds. He looked good as new and he was beginning to warm up rapidly.

"It worked?!" Ui Ui almost shouted before calming himself. "How did you just do it so easily?"

Momo smiled and gave a purposefully cheesy answer. "The power of love."

'Not easily. I'll need more time to figure out how to use RCT more efficiently. Mine's currently a joke compared to Shoko's and Yuta's, but it works. I'll need to become stronger if I ever want to deal with Sukuna or Kenjaku if and when they eventually become problems again. My keys to my evolution are Samsara and Ui Ui.'

Once she evolves, she'll be able to love her boyfriends without worry. 'Endless days of love, bliss, and getting stronger in the process. I can't wait.'

"Anyway, our boyfriend's gonna be waking up soon. I can't wait to sit on his cute face!" Momo said as Samsara stirred awake. His eyes opened, and he silently took in his surroundings. Ui Ui looked away, embarrassed. But Momo was shameless.

"Hi, hon."

"Hi... I'm just gonna..." Samsara tried to get up, but Momo's soft touch kept him from moving.

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